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A 'How To' get Enemy Territory working with sound

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    A 'How To' get Enemy Territory working with sound

    1. Install the steam client.
    2. Find and install the et-sdl-sound file if you haven't already got it.
    3. Edit et-sdl-sound file and change line ONLY_EXTRACT="no" to ONLY_EXTRACT="yes", save and run the script. This will create the file in your ET installation directory.
    4: Re-edit the file and change that line back to "no", then make sure the following lines are set -
    GAME_PATH="~/Games/enemy-territory" # your own path to the game naturally!

    save and exit.

    5. Start the game by running your normal et script that should call the et-sdl-sound script. Here's a copy of my start script -
    # This "wrapper" script should enable the ^/° key on German keyboards to be used as the console drop key
    TILDE_DE="`xmodmap -pke | grep 'keycode 49'`"
    TILDE_US="keycode 49 = grave asciitilde"
    xmodmap -e "$TILDE_US"
    cd "~/Games/enemy-territory/"
    exec ./et-sdl-sound "$@"
    xmodmap -e "$TILDE_DE"

    You won't need the key re-assignment codes if you're not using a German keyboard.
    The only other issue is forcing it to run fullscreen at the proper resolution, to get around that I have an autoexec file that should be called at start time. Here's a copy if you need it -

    autoexec.cfg -
    set name ^$YourName
    bind "i" dropclip
    bind "k" kill
    bind "rightarrow" "vsay Thanks"
    bind "," say_team ^3Please Wait...^4Bar is Recharging!
    bind "leftarrow" say ^WMy^1 HP^W is now [s]
    bind "downarrow" say Thanks for the ^1Revive! [r]
    bind "uparrow" vsay Welcome
    bind "h" toggle cg_draw2d
    bind "p" toggle cg_atmosphericEffects
    bind "m" vsay EnemyDisguised
    bind "ins" vsay Thanks
    bind "del" vsay Cheer
    bind "home" vsay_team FollowMe
    set cg_fov "120"
    seta com_soundMegs "64"
    seta snaps "40"
    seta rate "25000" // was 16000
    seta com_hunkMegs "250"
    seta r_customwidth "1280"
    seta r_customheight "800"
    seta r_fullscreen "1"
    seta cg_drawFPS "1" //DISPLAY FRAMES PER SECOND
    seta cg_drawGun "1" //DISPLAY SELECTED WEAPON
    seta com_zoneMegs "64"
    seta s_volume "0.9"
    seta s_musicvolume "0"
    seta s_khz "22"
    seta s_bits "16"
    seta s_channels "2"

    Obviously change customwidth/customheight to your desired screensize, and that file lives in your etmain directory - ~/Games/enemy-territory/etmain/, call it at start time with +exec autoexec.cfg I think.

    If you need any files drop me a line.

    Enjoy .

    EDIT: You might have to play with permissions on the et-sdl lib and the scripts, I just change the whole bloody lot to 777 to save messing around .
    Last edited by GrumpyGit; Apr 30, 2014, 09:47 AM.

    enemy territory as in wolfenstein enemy territory? why would you need steam client for that game? just add playdeb PPA and install away from muon...


      I'd love to find a way to enable sound on RTCW (never was a big fan of ET) without having to resort to installing the Windows version of the game via Wine.
      "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
      -- Douglas Adams


        how about if you try this mod:

        and then just run it as single player?

