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Dell ATG 630 upgrade

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    Dell ATG 630 upgrade

    Just had my ATG upgrade and this new version TT is going to drive me up the wall.
    1st. The hard drive never seems to stop "seeking". Even when there is "nothing" going on. Just the desktop displayed.

    2nd. The fans constantly surge from "normal" to "high speed" which on this laptop is "Loud".

    3rd. With 12.04 and 13, the memory use hovered around 800 MB and sometimes there would be a small amount of swap. Now the memory is running almost 1Gb and the swap has grown to over 300 Mb. (which explains all the drive activity)

    4th. I can't get grub to set my selected menu colors. I built an "05" file but running update-grub doesn't seem to read the customization and show my settings. I can edit the grub.cfg file and get them to show but the next update overwrites the settings again. I also can't figure out how to set the default to something other that "0" and have it stick. This is a multi-boot setup and I want the system to default to the M$ programs for the less initiated.

    5th. When I first launch, kmail asks to open the KDE Wallet and the program logs into yahoo mail correctly. However the next time it checks, it always fails. The password in the wallet is correct and if I re-type the password it logs into yahoo. Not sure why the "automatic" process fails every time though. (Or almost every time.)

    That is all for now...

    Disk drive and CPU activity: can be caused by more processes, if it is baloo, it can calm down after some time itself, I personaly had even another problem with one widget, it needed reinstall. There are several threads about baloo at this forum.

    Memory and cash: Default behaviour is that system starts to use swap at 60% RAM, it is easy to force it to start use swap at 90% changing some configuration file. Ask Google: Do this first in Xubuntu

    You can calm down kde wallet by setting password to pasword with zero characters.
    Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


      Have also noticed that the laptop refuses to shut down. I closes to the KUBUNTU changing color icon and never turns off.
      In addition, my HP Touchsmart at home is also having "issues. I keep getting a pop up about HOME being out of space yet it has over 500MB free.
      Opera and Firefox will allow me to open a page and then both die. Lights on and nobody home. In addition every time I start Opera it acts like it was just installed.
      In addition the memory use has doubled compared to 12.04. I don't know about this... P.S. Laptop is 32 bit and the HP is 64bit.

