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Grub does not allow choice

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    Wow! Talking about an arcane command and you were worried about update-grub




      and you were worried about update-grub
      Yeah, makes no sense, does it?

      I have used that arcane command in the past, so I know it works several kinds of magic. I knew also from your post, and some others, that I was going to have to run update-grub AFTER removing the old kernel. I knew this command did both, so I gritted my teeth, and ran it.

      It didn't boot. It came up to where the GRUB prompt should have been, then restarted. I figured I had cooked it at that point, and was going to reach for the 14.04 install CD. However, it came up fine the second try.

      I am guessing that this second boot is a normal thing when GRUB updates during a boot.

      Anyway, I hope that others find that convoluted command of value.

      Reminds me of a competiton that 80 Micro (anyone remember that?) had many years ago -- to produce a one-line BASIC word processor. Talk about nested nests.... It was a beauty to behold -- once you had figured it out. And I actually used it in a PASCAL program that I wrote many years ago (after translating it, of course).

      Good things can come in small packages.

      Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


        Good heavens! Are there actually people around who can write a (useful) program in Pascal?
        'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain



          Good heavens! Are there actually people around who can write a (useful) program in Pascal?
          Kind of dates me, doesn't it?

          It was originally written for CP/M using Borland's Turbo Pascal. At that time, I had to write my own key polling routine as Pascal did not have one! The source code was very portable, however, so this 3,000 plus line program got moved to DOS, and later to Delphi.

          Yeah, I'm that old.

          I rather liked Pascal, a really excellent procedural language. Its 'virtues' compared to some other programming languages are laid out here. I also played around with C, and did some Fortran as a high school project way back when. C is terse and powerful, but uninitialized pointers can wreak havoc.

          Our daughter was born in the early 90's, and family responsibilities required that I turn to other things. Just as well, as about that time things were moving to object oriented stuff. I never did get my head wrapped around OOP.


          Edit: Just pulled out the old source and counted it again. Memory fails me. It is actually about 7400 lines of code. A bit of a walk down memory lane looking at that. I even fully commented all of it! Bet I could compile it again....

          Last edited by Frank616; Apr 24, 2014, 10:08 AM.
          Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


            Amazing. I was a, blush, Fortran man. So having to declare all the variables ahead of time was awful for me. But Pascal's linked data structure was quite ingenious.

            Yeah, I'm that old too. Maybe even older.
            'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain

