Some history to clarify the situation:
I had Zyxel ADSL-box with 4-port router. Then I changed ISP and got an A-Link RR 24AP(N) router.
Zyxel seemed to work better (after firmware update) and I switched back to Zyxel.
With both routers, I set the ADSL-box DHCP-server to give a certain IP to my desktop (I have 5 machines).
Then the Zyxel broke, and I couldn't find the RR power, so I bought another ADSL-box - Asus DSL-N12U.
Then the MoBo of my desktop went ka-boom, and I had to get a new MoBo, and then I installed
Kubuntu 14.04 on the desktop.
Some time passed (a year or so).
Now I found the RR power and decided to switch back to it, because A-sucks haven't been working too well.
All other machines worked fine except that Kubuntu desktop.
It only has wired network, but suddenly I doesn't get an IP from the DHCP-server in the RR.
(The network cable is checked.)
There seems to be no dhcpd nor dhclient running (ps aux).
What the h*** happened? How did it work before?
(Of course the DHCP IP ranges changed.)
Also ifup doesn't recognize eth0,("Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0") but ifconfig does.
There are no networks in the NetworkManager - only wifi (disabled), mobile broadband (disabled), and Airplane mode.
Not a sign of wired.
What should I change to make as small changes as possible, but to get the wired network to work?
(I'm writing this on a laptop connected by wire to the same ADSL-box.)
I had Zyxel ADSL-box with 4-port router. Then I changed ISP and got an A-Link RR 24AP(N) router.
Zyxel seemed to work better (after firmware update) and I switched back to Zyxel.
With both routers, I set the ADSL-box DHCP-server to give a certain IP to my desktop (I have 5 machines).
Then the Zyxel broke, and I couldn't find the RR power, so I bought another ADSL-box - Asus DSL-N12U.
Then the MoBo of my desktop went ka-boom, and I had to get a new MoBo, and then I installed
Kubuntu 14.04 on the desktop.
Some time passed (a year or so).
Now I found the RR power and decided to switch back to it, because A-sucks haven't been working too well.
All other machines worked fine except that Kubuntu desktop.
It only has wired network, but suddenly I doesn't get an IP from the DHCP-server in the RR.
(The network cable is checked.)
There seems to be no dhcpd nor dhclient running (ps aux).
What the h*** happened? How did it work before?
(Of course the DHCP IP ranges changed.)
Also ifup doesn't recognize eth0,("Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0") but ifconfig does.
There are no networks in the NetworkManager - only wifi (disabled), mobile broadband (disabled), and Airplane mode.
Not a sign of wired.
What should I change to make as small changes as possible, but to get the wired network to work?
(I'm writing this on a laptop connected by wire to the same ADSL-box.)