I'm trying to get my FX5500 card working on a desktop. Appropriate driver is nvidia-173. With nouveau driver my old desktop works very slowly in terms of graphics.
Based on my reading about the problem, I tried to uninstall desktop and install the driver but it failed at kernel compilation stage. The outcome was as it would miss some headers - compilation warnings.
Then I have tried installation from minimal CD. This sets base system software without any graphics. Then you can choose what to install next (e.g. server, www server, (k)ubuntu desktop a.s.o). I managed to install nvidia-173 driver without any problem but afterwards any installation of desktop failed. After I logged in in graphics mode, the screen was complete mess.
Does anybody know how to overcome the issue?
Based on my reading about the problem, I tried to uninstall desktop and install the driver but it failed at kernel compilation stage. The outcome was as it would miss some headers - compilation warnings.
Then I have tried installation from minimal CD. This sets base system software without any graphics. Then you can choose what to install next (e.g. server, www server, (k)ubuntu desktop a.s.o). I managed to install nvidia-173 driver without any problem but afterwards any installation of desktop failed. After I logged in in graphics mode, the screen was complete mess.
Does anybody know how to overcome the issue?