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No decent package manager

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    If you are going to push MD as the primary Package manager, I would suggest the following as essential:
    (1) There MUST be a fully populated tab marked : "HELP" !!!!!
    (2) There should be an Exit button/tab.
    (3) The buttons must lead to populated pages. I carried out an unscientific survey of the buttons in the top 2 levels and arrived at empty screens in about 50% of cases. This will not impart a feeling of confidence to the new user. As an experienced programmer and a teacher of GUI design at undergraduate and post-graduate level we know that such incompleteness underminds the confidence of most users, both newbies and old lags.
    (4) I could not find links to most useful utilities, e.g. kgdb, gimp, gthumb, latex-live, ... *buntu gives you access to 40k+ packages; there is no facility for the punter to explore.
    (5) Leaf buttons should be more informative: I note there is provision for explanatory text when the cursor enters a button. None of the notes seen by me tell anyone anything useful. For example:
    Office->Sqledit says: "sqledit" -- how does that help anyone? You may well know what it does; I can make an intelligent guess; both of my university graduate daughters would say "you must be joking!"

    On a matter of style: the main page is half populated with the software equivalent of a detergent advertisement. The space would be better used to welcome the user and a short guide as to how to get started: e.g. "Click on a button to see what is available".

    A little knowledge is dangerous.
    There is nobody more dangerous as someone who doesn't know what he doesn't know.


      On the topic of Help, I got curious to what sort of Help is provided by clicking on Help. Well the result was "Documentation not Found". I realize Muon Discover is pretty straight forward, but to not have any help documentation install by default is a major mistake and makes Kubuntu look amateur.


        Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
        A terminal viewport as Teunis suggests would be a major step in in the right direction.
        Synaptic has this. But we shouldn't have to fall back to Synaptic -- it's a Gtk+ tool.

        Some time ago I asked Jonathan Thomas whether it would be possible to implement a similar view in Muon. I don't remember much about the answer, and I can't seem to find it now. Vaguely, it's because Muon doesn't call apt-get and related tools, but instead relies on LibQApt as an abstraction. So there's nothing happening "in the terminal" that can be displayed.


          I spoke to Harald on IRC and since he seems to care what happens to Muon, along with Alex, I asked him about some comments in this thread. It seems to me to be a really important step for Kubuntu to get right...

          Harold said to file bug reports for feature requests and they will listen. Bottom open source, if you don't don't ask, don't bitch. This is our baby, after all.

          Of course, patches are most welcome (and if I could code, this WOULD be my baby).
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            It all seems to be a matter of personal preference to me... I'm sure there will be those who like discover. I originally had muon package manager, muon software center, and muon discover all on my system. However I found that I rarely use any them as apt-get / dpkg from the command line were just more efficent. YMMV

            A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. --Albert Einstein

