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    The dreaded display busybox/initramfs appeard on my Trusty install.

    Fortunately I keep all my data on a usb drive.

    I tried all the normal fix suspects but didn't get anywhere.

    If there is some kind of real quick fix then I'll try it, otherwise, a re-install is probably in the works.

    NOTE: it is surprising, some of the commentary in the mulitple bemoanings of this problem, from not knowing what file system is included, to the absolutely inexplicable practice of repeatedly "quoting" EVERYthing that has been "quoted" in the multiple replies above the question and then....there is a one line answer......which didn't work either.........but it took a lot of server space!

    Anyhow, any relatively quick fix suggestions will be tried ....

    Dunno, but since this is such an ubiquotous problem and the normal fix is by using the "live cd"....

    I'd make a suggestion.

    What if Kubuntu team, developed a .........don't know......... "live cd file thing" as an associated download with an iso that might automagically "take care of" the problem?

    And, would it be even REMOTELY possible that there could be a "generic" live cd fix thingy that would work for all future releases?

    I know woodsmoke talking out of rum 'n coke (GOTCHA YOU thought I was going to say something else! ) again..........

    just a thought. couldn't hoit!
