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Screen lock up problem

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    Screen lock up problem

    Everthing with Kubuntu 14.04 and the latest updates (as of last night) is working great except for when I am running FireFox. It could be FireFox or perhaps the Network Manager and my wireless connection.
    The first sympton is that when typing into a text region the typed letters get slower and slower to appear. Yestersay, I had my Minecraft 1.7.2 server running, and and KMail and FireFox open at the same time. The slowness reached a point where clicking on anything wouldn't work. Even the keyboard intterupts. Then, the screen turned black, stayed that way for 10 or 15 seconds, and then my Acer rebooted.

    I couldn't find anything about the abend in the logs during the time of the event.

    What really concerned me was the screen slowdown and lockup. I went to the advanced tab in Systemsettings-->Desktop and noticed that it was set for GL2 and xraster. I changed it to GL3.0 and Qt Native. Minecraft no long would have brief instances of lockup and was significantly faster. Time will tell if this change fixes the problem.
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