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No ia32-libs package ?

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    No ia32-libs package ?

    After an otherwise OK in situ upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10, I removed all the residual config packages:
    Completely removed the following packages:

    Removed the following packages:

    Now the ia32-libs pkg. is no longer avaialble in Synaptic. That means I am unable to install acroread and google-earth.
    (I am running 64 bit version). What to do ?

    Apple trailers only play in Rekonq, not in Opera, Google Chrome. (Only asking because I had no probs. with 13.04).

    I think multi-arch is supposed to be just handled in dpkg nowadays. No need to add any libs.

    Does that help?

    $ dpkg --print-architecture
    $ dpkg --print-foreign-architectures
    I think you are at the mercy of the package developers falling into line with this. I'm not an expert though, so I'm not sure if what I say is entirely accurate. Maybe someone who knows more about it can correct me if I'm wrong, fill in the blanks if I'm not?


      Originally posted by Spadge View Post
      I think multi-arch is supposed to be just handled in dpkg nowadays. No need to add any libs.

      Does that help?

      Thanks, will have a look tomorrow.
      As regards Google Earth, I saw this 'fix' in the Ubuntu forums :-
      Download Google Earth x64 .DEB

      Open Terminal, Copy & Paste Following Command And Press Enter

      sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 lsb-core
      Open Downloads Folder

      Right Click On Google Earth .DEB Package & Select Extract Here

      Click On Debian Folder

      Right Click on Control & Select Open In Gedit

      Remove The Whole Line Containing

      Depends: lsb-core (>= 3.2), ia32-libs

      Now Click Save, & Exit Control File

      Now Delete The Original Google Earth .DEB Package You Downloaded

      Create A Folder called getfix, Now Move The Extracted Google Earth Folder Into The getfix Folder

      Now You Are Going To Rebuild The Google Earth .DEB Package

      Open Terminal, Copy & Paste Following Command & Press Enter

      dpkg -b /home/denis/Downloads/getfix/google-earth-stable_current_amd64
      Once You Have Done That, Back In Terminal Copy & Paste The Following Command

      sudo dpkg -i /home/denis/Downloads/getfix/google-earth-stable_current_amd64.deb
      The Repackaged Google Earth Will Now Be Installed.
      $ dpkg --print-architecture
      $ dpkg --print-foreign-architectures
      I think you are at the mercy of the package developers falling into line with this. I'm not an expert though, so I'm not sure if what I say is entirely accurate. Maybe someone who knows more about it can correct me if I'm wrong, fill in the blanks if I'm not?
      Will try that as well tomorrow.


        ia32-libs, etc are simply meta-packages that define a number of packages to be installed as dependencies. This has been dropped as nowdays, installing something like wine or Skype from the repos will pull in what is needed without this "dummy" package. Now, as to other, non-repo, 32-bit-only things from elsewhere, I imagine that either they have to repackage their stuff for saucy, or provide a list of what specific 32bit packages are required for the user to install.


          I have been frustrated with the ia32-libs not being available for 13.10. This package is to be replaced by ia32-libs-multiarch which is currently under development. I have tried installing the file ia32-libs-multiarch_20090808ubuntu36_i386.deb but it fails with unsatisfied dependencies.

          I currently have one laptop with Kubuntu 13.04 and this has the ia32-libs installed and Google Earth works on it. I do not intend to update this laptop until I can install the multiarch version on 13.10 and I can get Google Earth to work.


            Originally posted by NoWorries View Post
            I have been frustrated with the ia32-libs not being available for 13.10. This package is to be replaced by ia32-libs-multiarch which is currently under development. I have tried installing the file ia32-libs-multiarch_20090808ubuntu36_i386.deb but it fails with unsatisfied dependencies.

            I currently have one laptop with Kubuntu 13.04 and this has the ia32-libs installed and Google Earth works on it. I do not intend to update this laptop until I can install the multiarch version on 13.10 and I can get Google Earth to work.
            Then don't

            As the 64 bit package for Google Earth is simply a 32 bit binary with a different (and outrageously large) dependency list due to the ia32-libs meta-package, simply grabbing and installing the 32 bit package will work, as the changes in Debian/Ubuntu were designed to negate the need for separate packages to install 32 bit applications on 64 bit systems. I just did so, worked just fine by clicking the deb file, though oddly a menu entry did not show up until after I browsed to and clicked on the .desktop file for it in /opt/google.... maybe I was impatient

            btw, the ia32-libs-multiarch package was removed along with ia32-libs, as it was also a transitional package. If one truly needs to install the whole kit and kaboodle i386 lib packages on Saucy, I have seen posts on the web that installing raring's ia32-libs package pulls them all in still.


              Originally posted by claydoh View Post
              As the 64 bit package for Google Earth is simply a 32 bit binary with a different (and outrageously large) dependency list due to the ia32-libs meta-package, simply grabbing and installing the 32 bit package will work, as the changes in Debian/Ubuntu were designed to negate the need for separate packages to install 32 bit applications on 64 bit systems. I just did so, worked just fine by clicking the deb file, though oddly a menu entry did not show up until after I browsed to and clicked on the .desktop file for it in /opt/google.... maybe I was impatient
              Yes, the 32 bit package installs without complaining about unmet dependencies, but GE doesn't launch. From terminal I get:
              ./googleearth-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

              Will just have to do without it in Kubuntu 13.10. At least I now know that the ia32-libs package has been removed as I was fruitlessly looking for it.


                Don't run /opt/google/earth/free/googleearth-bin directly, either click the google-earth.desktop file (which is what is used for the menu entry or desktop shortcuts) or run the script /opt/google/earth/free/googleearth, which the .desktop is pointing to. This script finds and sets all the environmental values needed so that the googleearth-bin file knows where system libraries are, then runs the program. It will run


                  the library issue also caused The Bard's Tale to fail when I moved to 13.10 with a new install. Couldn't run it on 64 bit with all the dependency errors. Ran fine before. And couldn't find the right libraries.

                  Actively developed and maintained applications will probably move to 64 bit fine, but for all those older apps, what is the solution? I can't remember the errors, but there were at least 6, and that seemed like way too much trouble.

                  So now I have the 32 bit version of 13.10 installed and The Bard's Tale works.

                  Kind of disappointing.


                    Isn't The Bard's Tail on Steam now? Did that ever run on Linux natively without wine before?

                    I will bet that the 6 errors would have spelled out which 6 32bit libs to install.........


                      Bard's Tale runs on linux natively without wine, and on 64 bit [I last used 12.10] with the proper 32 bit librarires. The humble bundle download is just a tar.gz which extracts into an executable - whether that uses wine or not I cannot say, but it doesn't seem like it. It is part of the current humble bundle and claims native windows, linux, and android support, but without the ia32-libs, it won't run on either ubuntu or kubuntu 13.10 64 bit.

                      I wasn't really paying attention to the errors after wrestling with it for too long and not finding anything on 13.10 to fix it, and they may have been fixable with older packages, but I wasn't really motivated to try to debug that at the time. I do hope the developers include packages to make this seamless so the users don't have to install older packages for ia32-libs.


                        The ia32-libs meta-package pulls in approx 170 individual packages and a huge amount of megabytes. I might suggest that posting the error message and getting the correct individual libs you needed would likely have been quicker than reinstalling
                        Also it does seem that finding the Raring ia32-libs and installing that would pull in all the ia32 packages in Saucy. This package is a meta-package, one that simply has a list of dependencies to install, and nothing else.

                        I don't know why Debian (and hence Ubuntu) are doing this, but the end goal is to transition to not needing separate packaging for 32/64 bit programs. Seeing as this game is not a packaged at all, this will unfortunately leave things up to the user or the developers to provide instructions as to what is needed to run their game.


                          Installed acroread 32 bit package, but needed one of these additional packages:-
                          sudo apt-get install libxml2:i386 lib32stdc++6
                          As I already had the first one, only the lib32stdc++6 package was needed.
                          Once you have that, simply click on the AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i386linux_enu
                          Works flawlessly.


                            I have just run into this problem with 'The Dark Mod' game. It installs via a script downloading packages from their servers rather than being a packaged deb. It obviously saved them producing umpteen versions for different linuxes and meant it could be updated easily. The libs needed were taken care of by installing the ia32 package which is now unavailable.

