Dragonbyte that video is HILARIOUS!
And for people who have never been around real, working poets:
a) The "modern" way to do poetry is loosely called: "Do what you dam# well please, get a government grant or teach in a college and you will have part of the bell curve love it!.....and also not have to do anything much to have enough money to be comfortable( no poet expects to get rich) "
b) the "previous way" ... to which the "modern way" is merely a reaction...... "I can't do what those STUPID OLD PEOPLE did BACK THEN! I'm.....modern! I'm progressive (meaning "to go past what previous people did, or do it differently)".
i) The people who did poetry "back then" made up rhyming schemes: a-b-a-b-c, or such as a-b-c-a-b-c-c-b-a-c-b-a.
ii) people who did poetry "back then" made poems using a rhyme scheme.
c) A really GOOD poet has such an ENCYCLOPEDIC knowledge of "verbiage" that ending a stanza with a "word that fit" just came naturally.
d) "not quite so good poets" have an excellent knowledge of verbiage and could easily come up with stanza that had rhyming words most of the time...
e) the REST of the time, they did EXACTLY what is illustrated in that video! They would beat the air, beat the table, beat their head with their fists, throw paper, pen and ink against the raging sky, screaming out, dancing around, and sometimes just sitting calmly staring off into space and if you interrupted them..... nothing until they threw an ink pot at you.
Eventually the magic word appeared was applied to paper and the rest is history, what you read in Literature books because it was good and everybody could agree with it being good.
You didn't necessarily LIKE reading poetry in second form, but at least you could say that it.....rhymed....
LOL......If you do not want to know how sausage is made do NOT watch a poet writing!
And for people who have never been around real, working poets:
a) The "modern" way to do poetry is loosely called: "Do what you dam# well please, get a government grant or teach in a college and you will have part of the bell curve love it!.....and also not have to do anything much to have enough money to be comfortable( no poet expects to get rich) "
b) the "previous way" ... to which the "modern way" is merely a reaction...... "I can't do what those STUPID OLD PEOPLE did BACK THEN! I'm.....modern! I'm progressive (meaning "to go past what previous people did, or do it differently)".
i) The people who did poetry "back then" made up rhyming schemes: a-b-a-b-c, or such as a-b-c-a-b-c-c-b-a-c-b-a.
ii) people who did poetry "back then" made poems using a rhyme scheme.
c) A really GOOD poet has such an ENCYCLOPEDIC knowledge of "verbiage" that ending a stanza with a "word that fit" just came naturally.
d) "not quite so good poets" have an excellent knowledge of verbiage and could easily come up with stanza that had rhyming words most of the time...
e) the REST of the time, they did EXACTLY what is illustrated in that video! They would beat the air, beat the table, beat their head with their fists, throw paper, pen and ink against the raging sky, screaming out, dancing around, and sometimes just sitting calmly staring off into space and if you interrupted them..... nothing until they threw an ink pot at you.
Eventually the magic word appeared was applied to paper and the rest is history, what you read in Literature books because it was good and everybody could agree with it being good.
You didn't necessarily LIKE reading poetry in second form, but at least you could say that it.....rhymed....
LOL......If you do not want to know how sausage is made do NOT watch a poet writing!
