Currently the behaviour of our SABDFL has resulted in the following developments
I believe that Kubuntu should be renamed. I am relying on others to come up with a name which will help increase the popularity of this excellent distribution.

- Canonical is developing an alternating X window server Mir instead of using Wayland which is being supported by all other Linux distributions,
- Canonical has developed Unity as a GUI alternative Gnome
- Canonical financial support for Kubuntu has ceased.
- Kubuntu is now funded by Blue Systems.
- There is an increase in the frustration of KDE developers with Canonical here and here
- As pointed out by dibl KDE desktop productivity is perfectly possible on a Debian OS.
- In the future, if we no longer use ubuntu repositories, it is no longer valid to have ubuntu as part of our name.
- Blue Systems approach is that The Kubuntu Community will continue to decide and manage the direction of the KDE-based distro as they have done in the past.
- Do you agree that Kubuntu should be renamed
- What is your preferred name
I believe that Kubuntu should be renamed. I am relying on others to come up with a name which will help increase the popularity of this excellent distribution.