Title says it all really - I can no longer find the +mac .iso for installation on MacBook hardware. Has support been dropped? If so, I would be sad as I am currently running Kubuntu on my MacBook and would like to convert other Mac users.
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Why is there no longer a +mac .iso available for download?
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If your mac was made in the last 10 Years or so its using the same x86 or x86_64 hardware configuration as most other desktop computers.
What Version to use for your Mac: (Mac Os running)
Mac OS 10.7+:64-Bit version; After 10.6 All MacOS builds are 64-bit.
Mac OS 10.6: 64 or 32-bit version; Last build to support 32-bit. First Mac Os with a 64-bit build.
Mac OS 10.5: 32-bit or PPC version; Last Version To Support PPC;
Mac OS 10.4: 32-bit or PPC version; First to support 32-bit x86! (macs are now the same as all other computers.)
Mac OS <=10.3 : PPC ; No support for mac os on anything but G3/G4/G5. New World Machine.
if you have a PPC based computer (G4 or G5 should be your processor) You will want to use Debian PPC build since ubuntu no longer makes a PPC base package so you also can't use the derivitives (ku,lu,xu,edu,etc..) on PPC either.Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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Originally posted by sithlord48 View PostIf your mac was made in the last 10 Years or so its using the same x86 or x86_64 hardware configuration as most other desktop computers.
The +mac bit included drivers to make your Mac work 'out of the box' so wireless and display work without painful tweaking. Now there used to be a kubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64+mac.iso (I know this because I have it burned to a disk and it is installed on my MacBook. But now, I can no longer find it on the downloads page or on the mirrors. So my question remains the same - why has it disappeared and does this mean that we can't get Mac computers to work with Kubuntu without tweaking. There are still versions for 13.04 available (and indeed 14.04:trusty-desktop-amd64+mac.iso ), but not for 13.10!
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I wonder...
Xubuntu, Ubuntu Gnome, Ubuntu Studio, Edubuntu, and Kubuntu do NOT have the amd64+mac iso for 13.10.
Only Ubuntu and Lubuntu. I wonder if these 2 have it for legacy purposes?
The +mac iso is/was was simply one that boots in bios mode only. No extra drivers or anything special, assuming that the description in the link is still accurate. Perhaps these images are no longer required, or due to lack of testing/working-ness were dropped. As to why they are still available in the pre-release downloads, they do seem to be there for the daily Kubuntu iso builds, but NOT for the official alpha and beta isos. My educated guess is either they are a fallback "just in case", or likely simply the +mac builds were not turned offXubuntu, for example, does not have them in their daily builds.
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Hi timgood, You can go to: http://releases.ubuntu.com - Click the 13.10 release, and the +mac link will work, it's ubuntu. You would then grab the KDE desktop and install. If you want to go to 14.04 ubuntu you can, but the link is broken (at least it was today) but if you are patiant and search for it, you can find a good link for the +mac iso, again it's ubuntu so you would need to download/install the desktop envirnment you want to use. Hope this helps. It seems like the early MacPro's (1,1 1,2) and simular 32-bit EFI machines, although eminently capable, are gitting a little long in the tooth (wouldn't trade mine for any consumer grade desktop on the market. I trust in ECC, only wish we could get ZFS on linux, it's default with freeBSD) . I wish there were a kubuntu +mac 14.04LTS too, that was what I was looking for but just had to "settle" for ubuntu.
As an aside, if you don't want a dual boot - just a stand alone install on a MacPro 1,1 2,1 - load your iso in the superdrive, restart, hold the "c" key(for CD) NOT the L- mouse (if you use the L- mouse, EFI/OS X will report a non-bootable DVD).
Hope this helps
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Hi sithlord - there was some overlap with the OS X versions, the late 10.4.x thru 10.7.5 works with early intel mac's 32-bit EFI, but otherwise 64-bit systems. (those mac's would boot thru the 32-bit EFI, and run the 64-bit kernal). Apple sold these as "Fully" 64-bit machines, when in fact they were limited by the EFI used, when confronted Apple downplayed it. They built in obsolescence in two areas one the EFI, the second graphics cards. Both issues can be worked around on the MacPro's.
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