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Notification telling me the network connection is activated

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    Notification telling me the network connection is activated

    Every time when I boot Kubuntu 13.10 I get the notification pop-up (see attachment) saying:
    Wired connection 1
    Connection 'Wired connection 1' activated

    on top of my screen. A simple mouse click and it is gone but why is it there and how can I make it stop showing up?

    Attached Files

    I 'think' it's controlled by System Settings > Application and System Notifications > Manage Notifications > Applications > Event Source: Notifies about network errors > Active connection state changed

    This is defaulted to Show a message in a popup. Uncheck this.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Not to be flip, but it is there to tell you your network connection is made. You might try right clicking on the connection widget in yiur panel and notifications and see if it can be disabled.
      Linux because it works. No social or political motives in my decision to use it.
      Always consider Occam's Razor


        Thanks Snowhog, that did the trick.
        It's great that you can change so many settings to your liking in KDE, but sometimes it is a bit overwhelming.
        I did look in System Settings > Application and System Notifications > Manage Notifications > Applications but I never saw the pulldown menu on top of the window. Now I know it is there I will have a further look to see if there is something I want/need to change.
        Thanks very much.


          Yes richb, I did figure out why it is there, it is just annoying to have it there. But now it is gone.
          Your idea did not work for me, when I right click on the connection widget I don't see something about notifications and how to disable them. Am I looking in the right spot?


            Right click>Network management settings>Notifications.
            Linux because it works. No social or political motives in my decision to use it.
            Always consider Occam's Razor


              I found it. I first had to unlock the widgets to be able to see the Network management settings.
              Thanks for your help. Really appreciate it.

