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Muon closes

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    Muon closes

    I launch the muon software (a variety of ways) and it closes shortly. Doesn't matter if I start it manually (cli) or from an icon (gui). Runs for a few seconds and then crash/close.

    Anyone else had that?

    Yes, I’m experiencing the same problem.


      Hi, I was experiencing the same problem and other issues with muon. It looks like 2.0.65 is an alpha version of muon 2.1. What I did is to downgrade muon (see post #7 in I don't know if it is a good idea, but version 2.0.1 works without any issue for me, no more crash.


        Nice, I have been experiencing this and other issues with muon during and after the upgrade. So instead of down loading a handful of tar balls that may or my not fix the problems,
        from the repos, downloaded "synaptic" to use until muon gets fixed.

        Feels better control over the repos downloads.


          Me too! Already had Synaptic, so it was easy to get rid of Muon. Really prefer Synaptic & Software Updater anyway.
          KDE Rules!


            Yeah, synaptic is great, but muon tools integrate very well in KDE (they're made for that). By the way how to make the (gnome) software updater correctly work with KDE (icon in systray)?
            Last edited by papa33; Oct 22, 2013, 11:54 PM.


              [SRU] Update Muon to 2.1.0 :

              A good place to start: Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers
              Searching FAQ's: Google Search 'FAQ from Kubuntuforums'


                I too had been experiencing similar problems so was pleased to be offered an automatic update to Muon yesterday.

                Haven't had a chance to check it out again thoroughly yet though.
                Last edited by Montala; Oct 26, 2013, 04:26 AM.


                  My automatic updates shows programs to be updated but never updates. I've been able to do it from the command line but muon is definitely broken still.


                    Maybe with the 2.1.1 ? : ->

                    Aleix Pol aleixpol at
                    Mon Nov 4 14:09:16 UTC 2013


                    Well, I guess that Muon is as unmaintained as Kubuntu, since nobody got to
                    see those problems until 13.10 was released.

                    Either way, as you've probably seen, I've been fixing most problems we're
                    facing and a 2.1.1 version will be released very soon with these fixes.

                    A good place to start: Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers
                    Searching FAQ's: Google Search 'FAQ from Kubuntuforums'


                      Thanks, I'll be looking forward to it. Until then command line it is.


                        Synaptic handles updates very well. It is reliable and has a long history. Of course apt via the command line is the old standby.
                        Linux because it works. No social or political motives in my decision to use it.
                        Always consider Occam's Razor


                          I generally really like the Muon stuff but it's still in development. Discover is a little slow but it's getting there. I installed Synaptic like you guys but then I discovered the Muon Package Manager which has been very stable for me and covers all the bases, including updates. I get a bit frustrated with the Muon Update Manager though. It never lets me check for updates manually even though I click the option. Hopefully this stuff will get better.

                          Very happy with 13.10 so far. Had a rough start with it, but it seems to have settled in a bit now and has been fine.
                          PUNCH IT CHEWIE!


                            Originally posted by trm1361 View Post
                            I launch the muon software (a variety of ways) and it closes shortly. Doesn't matter if I start it manually (cli) or from an icon (gui). Runs for a few seconds and then crash/close.

                            Anyone else had that?
                            I had a similar behavior ... for several software, not only for muon ... it seemed to be related with no space left on /tmp (and/or other partitions for logs ...) the point is that nothing alerted about the situation ... just had to verify ...


                              Originally posted by cristiann View Post
                              I had a similar behavior ... for several software, not only for muon ... it seemed to be related with no space left on /tmp (and/or other partitions for logs ...) the point is that nothing alerted about the situation ... just had to verify ...
                              Only Muon for me and lots of space in tmp. It seems to have cleared up after the last set of patches.

