I speak the American dialect of English. It therefore makes sense for me to write in that instead of any of the other dialects. I keep finding Firefox giving red squiggly underlines to words with the American spelling. I googled the problem and the solution I found was to highlight the allegedly misspelled word and then right click and choose languages. Then it gives you a list where you can choose American English (or some other version). I did that and it solved the problem for a while. However, when I rebooted and turned Firefox back on, it was again using UK English as its standard.
Of course, there's nothing wrong with UK English. However, I'm an American and therefore need to be using the dialect I've grown up using and know inside and out.
Of course, there's nothing wrong with UK English. However, I'm an American and therefore need to be using the dialect I've grown up using and know inside and out.