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HDMI notworking in 13.04

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    HDMI notworking in 13.04

    No idea why. If I plug in my work laptop (windows 7)it works fine so no problem with the cable or TV. It worked in 12.04 but now nothing, it should be plug and go right?

    I cannot seem to find any settings.

    Thank you

    start by posting the output of

    xrandr -q

    Please Read Me


      Here is the output:

      where options are:
      -display <display> or -d <display>
      -o <normal,inverted,left,right,0,1,2,3>
      or --orientation <normal,inverted,left,right,0,1,2,3>
      -q or --query
      -s <size>/<width>x<height> or --size <size>/<width>x<height>
      -r <rate> or --rate <rate> or --refresh <rate>
      -v or --version
      -x (reflect in x)
      -y (reflect in y)
      --screen <screen>
      --prop or --properties
      --fb <width>x<height>
      --fbmm <width>x<height>
      --dpi <dpi>/<output>
      --output <output>
      --mode <mode>
      --pos <x>x<y>
      --rate <rate> or --refresh <rate>
      --reflect normal,x,y,xy
      --rotate normal,inverted,left,right
      --left-of <output>
      --right-of <output>
      --above <output>
      --below <output>
      --same-as <output>
      --set <property> <value>
      --scale <x>x<y>
      --scale-from <w>x<h>
      --transform <a>,<b>,<c>,<d>,<e>,<f>,<g>,<h>,<i>
      --crtc <crtc>
      --panning <w>x<h>[+<x>+<y>[/<track:w>x<h>+<x>+<y>[/<border:l>/<t>/<r>/<b>]]]
      --gamma <r>:<g>:<b>
      --newmode <name> <clock MHz>
      <hdisp> <hsync-start> <hsync-end> <htotal>
      <vdisp> <vsync-start> <vsync-end> <vtotal>
      Valid flags: +HSync -HSync +VSync -VSync
      +CSync -CSync CSync Interlace DoubleScan
      --rmmode <name>
      --addmode <output> <name>
      --delmode <output> <name>
      --setprovideroutputsource <prov-xid> <source-xid>
      --setprovideroffloadsink <prov-xid> <sink-xid>


        You only get the help list, no output?

        The -q part should have listed your outputs and available settings.

        Please Read Me


          here it is:

          Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1366 x 768, maximum 8192 x 8192
          VGA-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
          LVDS connected 1366x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 309mm x 174mm
          1366x768 60.0*+
          1280x720 59.9
          1152x768 59.8
          1024x768 59.9
          800x600 59.9
          848x480 59.7
          720x480 59.7
          640x480 59.4
          HDMI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)


            When I put the HDMI I cable in I am getting a blue default screen... Like the standard Kubuntu wallpaper but not the desktop now.



              Originally posted by Stosskraft View Post
              When I put the HDMI I cable in I am getting a blue default screen... Like the standard Kubuntu wallpaper but not the desktop now.

              Well, not really. It shows disconnected. More likely, it's not activating or detecting the cable plug action when you connect it.

              LVDS is your internal laptop monitor, VGA-0 is a standard VGA output, and HDMI is, well, you know. You may not actually have a VGA port, but your video chip supports one.

              Try this: plug in the external monitor power it on, then turn on the laptop. Then re-run xrandr -q and see what it says then. If it shows the monitor, that's a good start. You can activate it manually to get your settings and then we'll have to build scripts to detect and turn it on auto-magically.

              If it's working right, once it's connected you should be able to set it up in System Settings > Monitors

              Please Read Me


                Hello, It seems to be a hardware problem with the actual HDMI port, once I insert the cable I need to pull it out and fiddle with it to work, hard to get it just right, its an older laptop so not unexpected. I ll just have to use the new work one.

                Thank you

