The other day I got a messeage telling me I could upgrad, so I downloaded a fresh ISO, and the next day I was at a firends house, he had his old computer laying outside his door on its side with the side off as if it was garbadge, I asked him what he was going to do with it and he gave it to me, he said nothing would load and it was very slow
"I did offer to fix it up for him with Linux he said no again".
Its an Dual core AMD 3600 64 1GB RAM with Windows Vista.
Well I loaded up 13.04 and it runs very nice, I am going to upgrade the RAM.
I am still looking for whats new with 13.04, and I haven't had seen any problems as of yet.

Its an Dual core AMD 3600 64 1GB RAM with Windows Vista.
Well I loaded up 13.04 and it runs very nice, I am going to upgrade the RAM.
I am still looking for whats new with 13.04, and I haven't had seen any problems as of yet.