I'm having a problem with the manual disk setup page on the installer. I prefer to use this to set up the disk the way I want it, rather than letting Kubuntu mess up the partitions that I've previously set up. The problem is that I've got the 1 TB disk divided up into 11 partitions, some that are used by Kubuntu exclusively and others that are shared by Kubuntu and a Windoze dual boot. when I get to about partition 9, the installer dies quietly. I used to use the alternate installer, but I see that's no longer available. Now, I don't do any formatting to any of the other partitions, but / and /tmp so can I get away without fussing with them and have then still show up in the fstab and get mounted at boot time later or am I going to have to figure out how to get these into fstab after the fact?
What has this never been fixed in the installer? I've been fighting this problem as long as I've been using Kubuntu (since 7.04).
Bill Lugg
What has this never been fixed in the installer? I've been fighting this problem as long as I've been using Kubuntu (since 7.04).
Bill Lugg