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3rd screen setup

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    3rd screen setup

    Further update thanks to great help in IRC Chanel
    export DISPLAY=:0
    xrandr --newmode "1920x1200_60.00" 193.25 1920 2056 2256 2592 1200 1203 1209 1245 -hsync +vsync
    xrandr --addmode VGA2 1920x1200_60.00
    xrandr --output VGA2 --mode 1920x1200_60.00
    this makes the changes happen at boot up when I tell kubuntu to run this script

    Apologies all, broke the first rule of forums and did not look around (ashamed look)

    xrandr to the rescue

    using xrandr cvt 1920 1200

    output being "1920x1200_60.00" 193.25 1920 2056 2256 2592 1200 1203 1209 1245 -hsync +vsync

    then xrandr --newmode "1920x1200_60.00" 193.25 1920 2056 2256 2592 1200 1203 1209 1245 -hsync +vsync

    then xrandr --addmode VGA2 1920x1200_60.00

    and its working

    Sheesh - does that make me a Linux geek now



    Hi all

    Can I firstly say - S U P E R B

    The first distro to get all three screen working right off the bat. Thank You

    So, even though I am no longer a newb. Can anyone guide me to how I can set my 3rd screen resolution as I know it will show 1920x1200 but all control adjustments only say it goes upto 1024x768

    Many Thanks in advance

    Last edited by zebedeeboss; May 05, 2013, 10:27 PM.
    To understand true frustration, one must only go so far as to install Linux!!! and then came Kubuntu and the World is at peace again