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Strange font behavior

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    Strange font behavior

    I've just upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10 on one of my systems. My default font for applications is, and has been, Ubuntu 11 Regular. But now it shows up as Ubuntu 11 Bold (though the application settings still say Regular). In other words, it *looks like* Ubuntu Bold. Switching the font setting from Regular to Bold produces no visible change. Ubuntu 10 and Ubuntu 12 behave as expected. What might account for this?

    If it's relevant, the way I did the upgrade was to change all my repositories from Precise to Quantal using Ubuntu Software Sources, since I never was able to get the normal upgrade (do-release-upgrade, etc.) to work. And I do seem to have a Quantal system now.

    Update: the problem has simply gone away.
    Last edited by pwabrahams; Dec 09, 2012, 09:47 PM.