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Dolphin search problem

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    Dolphin search problem

    I have a problem with Dolphin search.
    I'm using search in files contents option recently, but it didn't search in *.js files. Search just ignoring it.
    Nepomuk disabled.

    Any suggestions, please.

    Kubuntu 12.10 x86
    Last edited by coderus; Nov 21, 2012, 01:48 PM. Reason: SOLVED

    Originally posted by coderus View Post
    Nepomuk disabled.
    There is your problem... dolphin relies on nepomuk to index the file content to be able to search it...


      really? if nepomuk disabled it disabled and dolphin search for content manually.
      problem in ignoring *.js files only. all other things are fine.

      so, nepomuk was disabled because it very inaccurate


        Originally posted by coderus View Post
        really? if nepomuk disabled it disabled and dolphin search for content manually.
        problem in ignoring *.js files only. all other things are fine.

        so, nepomuk was disabled because it very inaccurate
        Dolphin wont do manual content search, it uses an index to make it actually find anything before the next century... Just because you have disabled nupomuk does not mean its indexes are gone it just means it will not index new files, which I bet is why you cannot search all of your files.

        There might be a way to get dolphin to use another indexer, but you cannot do content searching sanely and quickly without one.


          i'm totally sure you wrong.
          with disabled nepomuk dolphin do manual content search. every time.
          please check it.


            Originally posted by coderus View Post
            i'm totally sure you wrong.
            with disabled nepomuk dolphin do manual content search. every time.
            please check it.
            I am totally sure you are wrong....

            I have already said what I think is happening and will not look up how dolphins search works in detail if you are just going to accuse me of being wrong with out any proof or references or even an alternative theroy.


              what proof you need?
              i see dolphin searching manually every time i ask to search. Why you thinking different?
              Nepomuk is disabled -> file indexier disabled ->no file changing monitor -> how can dolphin search in index without info about new added/removed/modified files?


                Dolphin can search file contents without nepomuk, at least in version 2.1 (but it is obviously rather slow as it's not index based but realtime).

                As for the problem, it might be mimetype related (dolphin might skip files based on mimetype). You could test it by changing the .js to .txt (for example) and see if dolphins parses the contents.


                  Yes, changing extension passing file to dolphin search. so, where to check issue now?


                    Originally posted by coderus View Post
                    Yes, changing extension passing file to dolphin search. so, where to check issue now?
                    I haven't looked at dolphin's code, so I can't tell for sure, but the issue might be related to the fact that the default mimetype of *.js files is "application/javascript".

                    So my semi-educated guess would be that dolphin skips files with mimetype group "application" (which kind of makes sense) or only searches files with mimetype group "text"...or some variation along those lines.

                    Unfortunately, I don't have time to look deeper into it ATM, but I'll let you know if I remember to investigate later (in hopefully not so distant future), of course anyone else is free to pitch in if they can offer some insight.


                      thanks, solved by editing application/javascript
                      moved js extension to text/x-java group


                        Originally posted by coderus View Post
                        thanks, solved by editing application/javascript
                        moved js extension to text/x-java group
                        That workaround should confirm it's mimetype based search feature.

                        And while that workaround works for .js files, the search might have other limitations (hidden files? files without a defined mimetype? other filetypes in the application (or non-text) group? )
                        If you are not using nepomuk, you might try the old and trusted 'kfind' application which is IMO a much more featureful search than dolphin's search (without nepomuk).


                          +1 for the kfind

                          Package: kfind (if it is not installed (?))

                          Earlier kfind/kubuntuforums:

                          Thread: Re-integrate Kfind with Dolphin in Kubuntu:
                          Thread: how to get SEARCH in Dolphin to *really* work?:*really*-work

                          Last edited by OneLine; Nov 22, 2012, 05:15 AM.
                          Have you tried ?

                          - How to Ask a Question on the Internet and Get It Answered
                          - How To Ask Questions The Smart Way


                            ehhh... i like ctrl-f feature, if not i'm using MC search sometimes %)

