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Bringing Back Blue GRUB & Customized LightDM Recommendations

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    I am still getting the grey plymouth background during the Kubuntu logo loading screen.


      It is a bit easier to help if

      - you tell how and what you are doing or trying to do
      - you add the input/output pairs
      Have you tried ?

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        Originally posted by OneLine View Post
        It is a bit easier to help if

        - you tell how and what you are doing or trying to do
        - you add the input/output pairs
        -I am trying to match the Kubuntu Loading Screen (where the dots appear under the kubuntu logo) background with my GRUB blue background (0, 76, 153).
        -Not sure what you are referring to.


          The Kubuntu-logo plymouth is using background.png image. The image will be painted on the top of the plymouth theme.

          You could:
          - edit the kubuntu-logo.script and remove the image there.
          - use a transparent background.png.
          - remove the background.png from the /lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo/ ! untested - I did't try this - may or may not work !

          What I did:

          1) Edited the /lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo/kubuntu-logo.script - after the edit - lines 215 ...227:
          if (bits_per_pixel == 4) {
              Window.SetBackgroundTopColor(0.00, 0.28, 0.45);    // #B2BAC1
              Window.SetBackgroundBottomColor(0.00, 0.28, 0.45); // #B2BAC1
              logo_filename = "kubuntu_logo16.png";
              progress_dot_off_filename = "progress_dot_off16.png";
              progress_dot_on_filename = "progress_dot_on16.png";
              password_field_filename = "password_field16.png";
          } else {
              Window.SetBackgroundTopColor(0.00, 0.47, 0.76);
              Window.SetBackgroundBottomColor(0.00, 0.00, 0.00);
              logo_filename = "kubuntu_logo.png";
              progress_dot_off_filename = "progress_dot_off.png";
              progress_dot_on_filename = "progress_dot_on.png";
              password_field_filename = "password_field.png";
          This is the old Kubuntu color slide.

          2) Replaced the /lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo/background.png with the small transparent background.png image.

          3) Updating the initramfs

          (If problem - your input/output pair will help)

          4) Testing the theme

          (If problem - your input/output pair will help)

          Seems to work

          5) Testing - with the reboot

          Seems to work.
          Have you tried ?

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            Jeez that's a little tough to follow. I am lost at the transparent background part.

            I really hope that this grey GRUB and plymouth background are removed by default in the release candidate of 13.04.


              This is the output I got from terminal after trying to change the color (using your method):
              username@computer:~$ sudo update-initramfs -u
              update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.8.0-1-generic
              modprobe: ../tools/modprobe.c:550: print_action: Assertion `kmod_module_get_initstate(m) == KMOD_MODULE_BUILTIN' failed.
              Aborted (core dumped)


                Can someone please explain to me how to create a transparent image on Krita? I want to finish fixing this small annoyance, so I can finally get back to enjoying Kubuntu's wonderful customization.


                  The "sudo update-initramfs -u" error:

                  Are you using the Kubuntu 12.10 with the 3.8 kernel ?

                  The Quantal updates:
                  Package linux-image
                  quantal-updates (kernel): Generic Linux kernel image.
         amd64 i386
                  A bug report:

                  ...a transparent image on Krita?
                  The opacity slider to the left (transparent) and click the "Create" button. Then save the picture: File -> Save As.

                  Last edited by OneLine; Jan 27, 2013, 07:25 AM.
                  Have you tried ?

                  - How to Ask a Question on the Internet and Get It Answered
                  - How To Ask Questions The Smart Way


                    No Luck here. I followed all your steps and everything seem to work, but still get a gray plymouth background on restart. However, I did notice an error reported from terminal every time I saved something or placed the mouse over it:
                    Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-username" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
                    Is there a method of testing the theme without rebooting? (like it appears on your post)

