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Installing KompoZer

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    Installing KompoZer


    I need KompoZer. However it is not in the repos. So I downloaded the latest file and extracted the content into /opt. I also changed the owner to me and made the whole directory executable. Then I made a starter by choosing the file «kompozer» without a suffix and about 2.9 kb.

    When I want to start it, the icon hops the usual 15 secs and then goes away. Nothing happens.

    Starting in the console returns the following:
    arran@arran-kubuntu-12-10:~$ kompozer
    Die Anwendung »kompozer« ist momentan nicht installiert. Sie können sie durch folgende Eingabe installieren:
    sudo apt-get install kompozer
    arran@arran-kubuntu-12-10:~$ sudo apt-get install kompozer
    [sudo] password for arran: 
    Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
    Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut       
    Statusinformationen werden eingelesen... Fertig
    Paket kompozer ist nicht verfügbar, wird aber von einem anderen Paket
    referenziert. Das kann heißen, dass das Paket fehlt, dass es abgelöst
    wurde oder nur aus einer anderen Quelle verfügbar ist.
    E: Paket »kompozer« hat keinen Installationskandidaten
    KompoZer is not installed. you can install it with ...
    Kompozer is not available, but is referenced by another package. That may mean the package is missing, that it has been replaced or is only available thorugh another source.

    Then I changed into the /opt directory and received:
    arran@arran-kubuntu-12-10:/opt$ kompozer
    Die Anwendung »kompozer« ist momentan nicht installiert. Sie können sie durch folgende Eingabe installieren:
    sudo apt-get install kompozer
    Where is the dog buried? Any ideas?

    I know the program is quite old, about 2 years. I just do not have an alternative to KompoZer. However, I just need it for a job and I do not care, if I switch my router off during the time of working with Kompozer. So there will be no security leak, even if some of the files might be a security risk.
    Greetings from Scotland's best holiday island – The Isle of Arran
    I keep fighting for an independent Scotland without any nuclear weapons. If the Englanders want them, they can host them. We do not.

    Have you tried here?:
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Thanks. No, I did not know this site. However, the one for 12.10 is not listed. Do you think, I should try the version for 12.04?
      Greetings from Scotland's best holiday island – The Isle of Arran
      I keep fighting for an independent Scotland without any nuclear weapons. If the Englanders want them, they can host them. We do not.


        Since KompoZer has been only 0.7.10 and 0.8b3 in recent years...I would TRY the one for 12.04.
        "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
        "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


          We had a discussion on this in the kubuntu-users mailing list recently. Kompozer simply won't compile anymore, so they dropped it, as probably debian have. It requires library versions that have become too old.

          One option is to install Seamonkey browser suite, which has the Composer component that Kompozer and Nvu were based on.



            "BlueGriffon is a new WYSIWYG content editor for the World Wide Web. Powered by Gecko, the rendering engine of Firefox, it's a modern and robust solution to edit Web pages in conformance to the latest Web Standards."

            "BlueGriffon is an intuitive application that provides Web authors (beginners or more advanced) with a simple User Interface allowing to create attractive Web sites without requiring extensive technical knowledge about Web Standards."

            "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
            "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


              Blue Griffon is a so-called open-core application, where you get something up front for free, but any extras you may want or need are non-free and cost $$. I have not tried in in a very long time, but it was very basic at the time, whereas Nvu and Kompozer were fully functional.

              However, it might have what you need to do the tasks you need to do, and it does have active traffic in their small forum.

              The price of the ePub edition advertised was a bit of a shocker.
              Last edited by claydoh; Nov 10, 2012, 05:07 PM.


                I think Kompozer is not the best solution anymore, because it's not maintained for years now.
                BlueGriffon is actively maintained again. As far as I know the free version, without paid extensions, is pretty complete nowadays.
                The people behind BlueGriffon are the same people that made the original nvu. nvu was followed up by Kompozer. So I guess BlueGriffon should work a bit like Kompozer.


                  Thanks a lot for all those contributions. I had a look at BlueGriffon but for what I need it, it takes much too long time to learn it. As KompoZer ist still running with 12.04 and I want to keep this version for the forseeable future, I do the work by changing to this version.

                  In the meantime, I have also deleted the installed KompoZer in /opt.
                  Greetings from Scotland's best holiday island – The Isle of Arran
                  I keep fighting for an independent Scotland without any nuclear weapons. If the Englanders want them, they can host them. We do not.

