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    when I try to install matlab usinging the software manager I get a screen that ask where is matlab located, then the install hangs.

    Sorry I am confused as to what you are asking/stating? If you want help you need to give us details. What installation procedure did you try follow? Give us some hardware information.

    Matlab usually comes as an .iso which you mount and then run an install script. Is it failing when you run the script or during the script or something entirely different? What error messages do you get?


      When I try to install MatLab from Muon Software Center the first think that happens is a screen from MatLab interface configuration pops up. It wants to know where Matlab is installed. It gives the default location. If the default location is entered you get the message no matlab executables were found.. This package requires at least one local installation of matlab. Selecting continue returns to the MatLab interface screen. There is no way past his dialog box. While the dialog can be closed Muon Software is locked and it takes a cntr-alt-esc to get out the software center.

      I don't know what is broke but something is. This seemed to the place to make a bug complaint.

      Originally posted by dmeyer View Post
      Sorry I am confused as to what you are asking/stating? If you want help you need to give us details. What installation procedure did you try follow? Give us some hardware information.

      Matlab usually comes as an .iso which you mount and then run an install script. Is it failing when you run the script or during the script or something entirely different? What error messages do you get?


        How did you get Matlab to pop-up via the Muon Software Centre? How are you getting Matlab? I've never seen it distributed in any way except as .iso.

        Have you tried installing it from the command line?

        The error makes it seem like all the thing in the Muon software centre is doing is registering your Matlab install in the package manager. Have you installed Matlab on the computer? If yes, where is it installed? If no, then you have your answer!

