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Dolphin drag and drop seems broken

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    I would suggest people report the bug at blender's bugzilla, but with better info than the closed report above, with more details.


      Originally posted by claydoh View Post

      I would suggest people report the bug at blender's bugzilla, but with better info than the closed report above, with more details.
      I am reporting at:

      It's on the official site, so I would hope it is the one they want me to report to. I'm following their reporting guidelines.


        I'd suggest linking to that closed report, and maybe others who are seeing this report this as well, or at least add input to yours.


          For further information, here is the link to the submitted bug tracker at


            It doesn't look like the folks at blender perceive this to be a problem. They're saying the KDE configuration or a buggy patch applied by Kubuntu devs is the cause. They're likely correct, but I can't find a trace of where this is happening.

            Please Read Me


              If I find time I may install other distros with kde 4.9 and see if it reproducible, there was that similar report I linked to, an Arch user but KDE 4.7


                Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
                It doesn't look like the folks at blender perceive this to be a problem. They're saying the KDE configuration or a buggy patch applied by Kubuntu devs is the cause. They're likely correct, but I can't find a trace of where this is happening.
                I need to apologize, I've been jumping to conclusions left and right here. I am going to go back and do some more extensive testing on blender, and also try some other applications, and see if I can't find a common feature that is causing this. Anyone else who wants to is welcome to continue the search. I'll continue to post my findings here.

                One more thing, is there any way to unmark a thread as solved?


                  Click on Thread Tools > Mark this thread as unsolved...
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
                    Click on Thread Tools > Mark this thread as unsolved...
                    Thank you, I must not have been logged in earlier when I was looking for it,


                      Originally posted by brycethorup View Post
                      We are both running clean installs of kubuntu 12.10 64-bit installed by usb thumb drive.
                      The same thumb drive? I mean, did you make one install nubbin and both used it for installing?

                      Could be the one common element.


                        I can also confirm this using a stock Blender on 12.10. I have not fired up a VM or installed a different distro. Not many use KDE 4.9.x yet out of the box. Should we report this in, and link the Blender bug to it?


                          Originally posted by Spadge View Post
                          The same thumb drive? I mean, did you make one install nubbin and both used it for installing?

                          Could be the one common element.
                          No, we used different thumb drives, and separate downloads of the same image.


                            I have found a lead that may be useful. After starting blender and breaking drag and drop, if you disable desktop effects by pressing shift+alt+f12 drag and drop works again, however the problem remains if effects are re-enabled. It seems blender and the desktop compositor may not be playing nicely together in some way.

                            Another thing I was thinking of that may have changed is that Kubuntu is now using LightDM instead of KDM. So I tested the problem on KDM by downloading it through apt, running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm' and rebooting. I can report that the effect of breaking drag and drop was the same as with LightDM.

                            I'm not sure where a bug report should be submitted at this point. I suppose we need to verify whether or not this is a KDE problem, or a Kubuntu problem. I will try and get a VM of some other KDE based distro up and running later today, and see what I can see.

                            EDIT: I tried to recreate the issue on a VM with a distro called Magiea. It is debian based with KDE. It is not recreating the problem though, it continues to work fine after starting blender.

                            I suppose this means it is either a Kubuntu specific issue, or there is something about the VM that is keeping the conditions needed for issue to occur from existing. One possibility is that the VM is running desktop effects with XRender rather than OpenGL. If that is the case then perhaps it has something to do with OpenGL.

                            This opens up a lot of different possibilities, and I don't feel like I've come any closer to getting to the root of the problem. I would rather not go posting any other bug reports until we can formulate a strong theory as to which subsystem is causing the problem.

                            Anyone else have any ideas? I'm at a loss at the moment.
                            Last edited by brycethorup; Oct 28, 2012, 10:00 PM.


                              In order to tell if it may be KDE issue, or a Kubuntu one would involve trying these things in another KDE 4.9 environment, I think, and preferably 4.9.2, and probably the same xorg maybe.

                              Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2


                                Originally posted by claydoh View Post
                                In order to tell if it may be KDE issue, or a Kubuntu one would involve trying these things in another KDE 4.9 environment, I think, and preferably 4.9.2, and probably the same xorg maybe.
                                I'm thinking I will probably set up a separate partition on my drive for testing other setups. I'll be back after trying it out.

