Just wanted to say how nicely this new install of Kubuntu-12.10-i386 is running ........I mean W:eek:W it is blazing fast response wise compared to my main install, Franken-Kubuntu-12.04-x86_64 ......LOL ,I say Franken because it started life as 11.04 and was net upgraded through all the releases up to 12.04 and then was given a extra graphics PPA and a 3.5 seres kernel .
this 12.10 is giving almost instant response opening programs and whatnot + seems to be running cooler and better RAM use , ,,,,,,falling in love hear
well back to the customizing,program getting and testing
this 12.10 is giving almost instant response opening programs and whatnot + seems to be running cooler and better RAM use , ,,,,,,falling in love hear
well back to the customizing,program getting and testing