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KDE 4.10.0 - Unable to minimize anything, Dual Screen Problems

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    KDE 4.10.0 - Unable to minimize anything, Dual Screen Problems

    This morning my computer updated to KDE 4.10.0

    After reboot, I noticed that on my dual screen system, everything was opening as full screen on one of the monitors.

    Each program open had no Minimize/maximize or close button at the Top Right.

    Each program opens on top of the other one, and I'm unable to switch to the previous program.

    Also, I've noticed that I'm unable to use the virtual desktops. When I try to set up a second virtual desktop and hit "apply", it defaults back to one virtual desktop.

    Any fixes for this, or just sit patiently for the 4.10.1 release?


    Not a KDE issue. You have another problem.

    Are other desktop effects working etc? It sort of feels like you aren't using Kwin and window decorations. So check both in your settings. Then report back. Also what activity are you in?


      I had the same more than unpleasant experience today. Far more, the program now does not even accept the keyboard, despite me typing the passwort while starting.

      Here is the content of the console for the dist-upgrade:
      Die folgenden Pakete werden ENTFERNT:
        gimp gimp-dimage-color gimp-gap gimp-gmic gimp-plugin-registry gimp-texturize gimp-ufraw marble pandora
      Die folgenden NEUEN Pakete werden installiert:
        kmahjongg-data libegl1-mesa libegl1-mesa-drivers libgbm1 libkactivities-models1 libkipi10 libkmahjongglib-data
        libnepomukwidgets4 libokularcore2abi1 libopenvg1-mesa libpimcommon4 libqaccessibilityclient0 libqapt2
        libqapt2-runtime libqextserialport1 libwayland0 libxcb-damage0 libxcb-xfixes0
      Die folgenden Pakete sind zurückgehalten worden:
      Die folgenden Pakete werden aktualisiert (Upgrade):
        akonadi-backend-mysql akonadi-server akregator ark audiocd-kio dolphin dragonplayer firefox firefox-globalmenu
        firefox-locale-de firefox-locale-en freespacenotifier gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-qapt gwenview
        jovie kaccessible kaddressbook kajongg kalarm kamera kate kate-data katepart kcalc kcharselect
        kde-base-artwork kde-baseapps-bin kde-baseapps-data kde-runtime kde-runtime-data kde-style-oxygen
        kde-wallpapers-default kde-window-manager kde-window-manager-common kde-workspace kde-workspace-bin
        kde-workspace-data kde-workspace-kgreet-plugins kde-zeroconf kdegames-card-data kdegames-data
        kdegames-mahjongg-data kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer kdelibs-bin kdelibs5-data kdelibs5-plugins
        kdemultimedia-kio-plugins kdenetwork-filesharing kdepasswd kdepim-kresources kdepim-runtime
        kdepim-strigi-plugins kdepimlibs-kio-plugins kdoctools kfind khelpcenter4 kinfocenter klipper kmag kmahjongg
        kmail kmenuedit kmix kmousetool kmouth knotes kolf kompare konq-plugins konqueror konqueror-nsplugins konsole
        kontact korganizer kpat kppp krdc kruler kshisen ksnapshot ksysguard ksysguardd ksystemlog kttsd
        kwalletmanager libakonadi-calendar4 libakonadi-contact4 libakonadi-kabc4 libakonadi-kcal4 libakonadi-kde4
        libakonadi-kmime4 libakonadi-notes4 libakonadiprotocolinternals1 libaudiocdplugins4 libcalendarsupport4
        libeventviews4 libgimp2.0 libgpgme++2 libgstreamer-plugins-bad0.10-0 libibus-1.0-0 libincidenceeditorsng4
        libkabc4 libkactivities-bin libkactivities6 libkalarmcal2 libkasten2controllers2 libkasten2core2
        libkasten2gui2 libkasten2okteta1controllers1 libkasten2okteta1core1 libkasten2okteta1gui1 libkateinterfaces4
        libkatepartinterfaces4 libkblog4 libkcal4 libkcalcore4 libkcalutils4 libkcddb4 libkcmutils4 libkcompactdisc4
        libkdcraw-data libkde3support4 libkdeclarative5 libkdecorations4abi1 libkdecore5 libkdegames6
        libkdegamesprivate1 libkdepim4 libkdepimdbusinterfaces4 libkdesu5 libkdeui5 libkdewebkit5 libkdgantt2
        libkdnssd4 libkemoticons4 libkephal4abi1 libkexiv2-11 libkexiv2-data libkfile4 libkholidays4 libkhtml5
        libkidletime4 libkimap4 libkio5 libkipi-data libkjsapi4 libkjsembed4 libkldap4 libkleo4 libkmahjongglib4
        libkmanagesieve4 libkmbox4 libkmediaplayer4 libkmime4 libknewstuff2-4 libknewstuff3-4 libknotifyconfig4
        libkntlm4 libkonq-common libkonq5-templates libkonq5abi1 libkonqsidebarplugin4a libkontactinterface4
        libkparts4 libkpgp4 libkpimidentities4 libkpimtextedit4 libkpimutils4 libkprintutils4 libkpty4 libkresources4
        libkrosscore4 libkrossui4 libksane-data libksane0 libkscreensaver5 libksgrd4 libksieve4 libksieveui4
        libksignalplotter4 libktexteditor4 libktnef4 libkunitconversion4 libkwineffects1abi4 libkwinglutils1abi1
        libkwinnvidiahack4 libkworkspace4abi2 libkxmlrpcclient4 libmailcommon4 libmailimporter4 libmailtransport4
        libmessagecomposer4 libmessagecore4 libmessagelist4 libmessageviewer4 libmicroblog4 libmuonprivate1
        libnepomuk4 libnepomukcore4abi1 libnepomukquery4a libnepomukutils4 libokteta1core1 libokteta1gui1
        libplasma-geolocation-interface4 libplasma3 libplasmaclock4abi3 libplasmagenericshell4 libprocesscore4abi1
        libprocessui4a libqgpgme1 libsolid4 libsolidcontrol4abi2 libsolidcontrolifaces4abi2 libsoprano4
        libsyndication4 libtaskmanager4abi3 libtemplateparser4 libthreadweaver4 libweather-ion6 marble-data mountall
        muon muon-installer muon-notifier muon-updater nepomuk-core nepomuk-core-data okteta okular
        okular-extra-backends oxygen-icon-theme plasma-dataengines-addons plasma-dataengines-workspace plasma-desktop
        plasma-netbook plasma-scriptengine-javascript plasma-scriptengine-python plasma-widget-folderview
        plasma-widget-kimpanel plasma-widgets-addons plasma-widgets-workspace print-manager qapt-batch
        qapt-deb-installer soprano-daemon systemsettings tasks-icons x11-apps
      249 aktualisiert, 18 neu installiert, 9 zu entfernen und 1 nicht aktualisiert.
      Es müssen 177 MB an Archiven heruntergeladen werden.
      Nach dieser Operation werden 61,4 MB Plattenplatz freigegeben.
      Möchten Sie fortfahren [J/n]? n
      Why the hell should Gimp be uninstalled?

      This is on my 12.04 installation, luckily I have a 12.10 installation too, but it is in different parts broken, so I use the 12.04 while waiting for the 13.04. I do really believe this is a KDE-Problem and not any other problem. I have all my desktop effects and windows decorations off, I do not need these gadgets.

      How can I go as soon as possible back to KDE 4.9.x? This is not really a good working atmosphere now.
      Greetings from Scotland's best holiday island – The Isle of Arran
      I keep fighting for an independent Scotland without any nuclear weapons. If the Englanders want them, they can host them. We do not.


        Sounds like kwin is not running, try switching to a tty (alt+ctrl+f1) then login and execute the following:

        sudo apt-get update
        sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
        sudo apt-get install -f kubuntu-desktop
        DISPLAY=:0 kwin --replace
        What will check to make sure you are fully upto date and everything is correctly installed, then attempt to launch kwin again. If there are no errors switch back to the gui (alt+ctrl+f6) and see if it worked.


          Originally posted by dmeyer View Post
          Not a KDE issue. You have another problem.

          Are other desktop effects working etc? It sort of feels like you aren't using Kwin and window decorations. So check both in your settings. Then report back. Also what activity are you in?
          I'll check it out tonight once I get home. Thanks!


            Note some highlighted items:

            Originally posted by Arran View Post
            I had the same more than unpleasant experience today. Far more, the program now does not even accept the keyboard, despite me typing the passwort while starting.

            Here is the content of the console for the dist-upgrade:
            Die folgenden Pakete werden ENTFERNT:
              gimp gimp-dimage-color gimp-gap gimp-gmic gimp-plugin-registry gimp-texturize gimp-ufraw marble pandora
            Die folgenden NEUEN Pakete werden installiert:
              kmahjongg-data [COLOR=#b22222][U][B]libegl1-mesa libegl1-mesa-drivers[/B][/U][/COLOR] libgbm1 libkactivities-models1 libkipi10 libkmahjongglib-data
              libnepomukwidgets4 libokularcore2abi1 [U][B][COLOR=#b22222]libopenvg1-mesa[/COLOR][/B][/U] libpimcommon4 libqaccessibilityclient0 libqapt2
              libqapt2-runtime libqextserialport1 [B][U][COLOR=#b22222]libwayland0[/COLOR][/U][/B] libxcb-damage0 libxcb-xfixes0
            [COLOR=#b22222][U][B][SIZE=4]Die folgenden Pakete sind zurückgehalten worden:[/SIZE][/B][/U][/COLOR]
            Die folgenden Pakete werden aktualisiert (Upgrade):
              akonadi-backend-mysql akonadi-server akregator ark audiocd-kio dolphin dragonplayer firefox firefox-globalmenu
              firefox-locale-de firefox-locale-en freespacenotifier gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-qapt gwenview
              jovie kaccessible kaddressbook kajongg kalarm kamera kate kate-data katepart kcalc kcharselect
              kde-base-artwork kde-baseapps-bin kde-baseapps-data kde-runtime kde-runtime-data kde-style-oxygen
              kde-wallpapers-default kde-window-manager kde-window-manager-common kde-workspace kde-workspace-bin
              kde-workspace-data kde-workspace-kgreet-plugins kde-zeroconf kdegames-card-data kdegames-data
              kdegames-mahjongg-data kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer kdelibs-bin kdelibs5-data kdelibs5-plugins
              kdemultimedia-kio-plugins kdenetwork-filesharing kdepasswd kdepim-kresources kdepim-runtime
              kdepim-strigi-plugins kdepimlibs-kio-plugins kdoctools kfind khelpcenter4 kinfocenter klipper kmag kmahjongg
              kmail kmenuedit kmix kmousetool kmouth knotes kolf kompare konq-plugins konqueror konqueror-nsplugins konsole
              kontact korganizer kpat kppp krdc kruler kshisen ksnapshot ksysguard ksysguardd ksystemlog kttsd
              kwalletmanager libakonadi-calendar4 libakonadi-contact4 libakonadi-kabc4 libakonadi-kcal4 libakonadi-kde4
              libakonadi-kmime4 libakonadi-notes4 libakonadiprotocolinternals1 libaudiocdplugins4 libcalendarsupport4
              libeventviews4 libgimp2.0 libgpgme++2 libgstreamer-plugins-bad0.10-0 libibus-1.0-0 libincidenceeditorsng4
              libkabc4 libkactivities-bin libkactivities6 libkalarmcal2 libkasten2controllers2 libkasten2core2
              libkasten2gui2 libkasten2okteta1controllers1 libkasten2okteta1core1 libkasten2okteta1gui1 libkateinterfaces4
              libkatepartinterfaces4 libkblog4 libkcal4 libkcalcore4 libkcalutils4 libkcddb4 libkcmutils4 libkcompactdisc4
              libkdcraw-data libkde3support4 libkdeclarative5 libkdecorations4abi1 libkdecore5 libkdegames6
              libkdegamesprivate1 libkdepim4 libkdepimdbusinterfaces4 libkdesu5 libkdeui5 libkdewebkit5 libkdgantt2
              libkdnssd4 libkemoticons4 libkephal4abi1 libkexiv2-11 libkexiv2-data libkfile4 libkholidays4 libkhtml5
              libkidletime4 libkimap4 libkio5 libkipi-data libkjsapi4 libkjsembed4 libkldap4 libkleo4 libkmahjongglib4
              libkmanagesieve4 libkmbox4 libkmediaplayer4 libkmime4 libknewstuff2-4 libknewstuff3-4 libknotifyconfig4
              libkntlm4 libkonq-common libkonq5-templates libkonq5abi1 libkonqsidebarplugin4a libkontactinterface4
              libkparts4 libkpgp4 libkpimidentities4 libkpimtextedit4 libkpimutils4 libkprintutils4 libkpty4 libkresources4
              libkrosscore4 libkrossui4 libksane-data libksane0 libkscreensaver5 libksgrd4 libksieve4 libksieveui4
              libksignalplotter4 libktexteditor4 libktnef4 libkunitconversion4 libkwineffects1abi4 libkwinglutils1abi1
              libkwinnvidiahack4 libkworkspace4abi2 libkxmlrpcclient4 libmailcommon4 libmailimporter4 libmailtransport4
              libmessagecomposer4 libmessagecore4 libmessagelist4 libmessageviewer4 libmicroblog4 libmuonprivate1
              libnepomuk4 libnepomukcore4abi1 libnepomukquery4a libnepomukutils4 libokteta1core1 libokteta1gui1
              libplasma-geolocation-interface4 libplasma3 libplasmaclock4abi3 libplasmagenericshell4 libprocesscore4abi1
              libprocessui4a libqgpgme1 libsolid4 libsolidcontrol4abi2 libsolidcontrolifaces4abi2 libsoprano4
              libsyndication4 libtaskmanager4abi3 libtemplateparser4 libthreadweaver4 libweather-ion6 marble-data mountall
              muon muon-installer muon-notifier muon-updater nepomuk-core nepomuk-core-data okteta okular
              okular-extra-backends oxygen-icon-theme plasma-dataengines-addons plasma-dataengines-workspace plasma-desktop
              plasma-netbook plasma-scriptengine-javascript plasma-scriptengine-python plasma-widget-folderview
              plasma-widget-kimpanel plasma-widgets-addons plasma-widgets-workspace print-manager qapt-batch
              qapt-deb-installer soprano-daemon systemsettings tasks-icons x11-apps
            249 aktualisiert, 18 neu installiert, 9 zu entfernen [SIZE=4][U][COLOR=#b22222][B]und 1 nicht aktualisiert.[/B][/COLOR][/U][/SIZE]
            Es müssen 177 MB an Archiven heruntergeladen werden.
            Nach dieser Operation werden 61,4 MB Plattenplatz freigegeben.
            Möchten Sie fortfahren [J/n]? n
            Why the hell should Gimp be uninstalled?

            This is on my 12.04 installation, luckily I have a 12.10 installation too, but it is in different parts broken, so I use the 12.04 while waiting for the 13.04. I do really believe this is a KDE-Problem and not any other problem. I have all my desktop effects and windows decorations off, I do not need these gadgets.

            How can I go as soon as possible back to KDE 4.9.x? This is not really a good working atmosphere now.
            It is not a "KDE" problem, but maybe a packaging one, but still unlikely as the KDE packages should not have any dependencies on anything related to the gimp, as they use different toolkits and libraries. The one package not upgraded seems to tell me that something else hasn't fully been uploaded to the repos. It also is causing marble and pandora to be removed. There are a number of non-kde packages in your list related to mesa drivers and this is one place to look at where the problem may be, as well as any PPA's or other external repos you may have added.

            I cannot find any reports of the update removing gimp/marble/pandora anywhere, so you might just want to wait a bit, refresh your package list, and try again. if you want to keep the previous KDE (since you did not actually perform the upgrade, you are still using the previous version) simply disable the kubuntu-backports ppa, refresh, and try a dist-upgrade again.

            This post probably warrants its own thread as it is wholly unrelated to the specific issue made by the OP
            Last edited by claydoh; Feb 06, 2013, 04:32 PM.


              There is also the standard
              mv ~/.kde ~/.kde_old
              mv ~/.kde4 ~/.kde4_old
              Fixes 99% of KDE problems. Then later you can move things back slowly. However, at the moment I do not think this is the issue!


                Originally posted by claydoh View Post
                Note some highlighted items:

                It is not a "KDE" problem, but maybe a packaging one, but still unlikely as the KDE packages should not have any dependencies on anything related to the gimp, as they use different toolkits and libraries. The one package not upgraded seems to tell me that something else hasn't fully been uploaded to the repos. It also is causing marble and pandora to be removed. There are a number of non-kde packages in your list related to mesa drivers and this is one place to look at where the problem may be, as well as any PPA's or other external repos you may have added.

                I cannot find any reports of the update removing gimp/marble/pandora anywhere, so you might just want to wait a bit, refresh your package list, and try again. if you want to keep the previous KDE (since you did not actually perform the upgrade, you are still using the previous version) simply disable the kubuntu-backports ppa, refresh, and try a dist-upgrade again.

                This post probably warrants its own thread as it is wholly unrelated to the specific issue made by the OP
                Also, from looking at the packages thet were in your list, I am deducing that you are using the highly unstable xorg-edgers ppa, perhps? This one might explain things as it is an xorg repo, in that it involves video as well as input devices, and might well explain the package removal - marble for one I believe requires certin video related packages, and the xorg-edgers versions may be incompatiblewith them.


                  Originally posted by dmeyer View Post
                  Not a KDE issue. You have another problem.

                  Are other desktop effects working etc? It sort of feels like you aren't using Kwin and window decorations. So check both in your settings. Then report back. Also what activity are you in?

                  Well that was a simple fix.

                  Went to the command line to check for updates. After refreshing I had one unmet dependency. Sudo apt-get -f install took care of that, and then I noticed a lot of setting up of files going on.

                  After reboot everything now works perfectly!
                  Last edited by ScottyK; Feb 06, 2013, 06:14 PM.


                    At first I did not think I had an issue after doing the upgrade. I got no notification that a reboot was necessary. Later, I got to thinking about it and decided to reboot. That's when the * hit the fan.

                    My system tray icons appeared as what seemed like transparent desktop icons in the upper right corner, but they had no active zones and you couldn't edit or move them.. My WICD and drop box icons appared as very small, about 1/2 of their size when they were in the system tray, in the upper right desktop boarder. They, too, were inactive. Wicd was connected. There were tiny little boxes in what was left of the system tray. When I clicked on them I got the GUI interfaces. When I right clicked and chose to remove them from the system tray my system tray went away. Most of my desktop widgets were transparent and difficult to see. Playing with Workplace appearance settings did not help. I resorted to repeated the apt-get update & upgrade commands, and added -f install kubuntu-desktop for good measure. That helped somewhat. While wicd still gave me a web connection I installed the plasma network manager and then removed all of wicd's files. Knm took over automatically and worked well.

                    I opened Muon and went to the upgrade tab. I noticed that were were about 50 programs that were still labeled as the 9.x versions. So, it appears that the automatic upgrade didn't automatically install all the upgradable programs! I marked them all for upgrade and applied the upgrade. I did it again and more updates appeared. I applied them and repeated until no more 10.0 upgrades were displayed.

                    I also noticed that pulseaudio, which I had removed or disabled, as the case may be, was back, and so was that dorky KDE sound gui. I have yet to see if I can restore KMixer to the old "alsa mixer display format".

                    My YaWP weather plasmoid disappeared, as did my units converter app, and a couple others I used. I search the new widget set and replace them.

                    All it all, it was a more rocky upgrade than first appeared.
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      YaWP, Units, the system tray and all of the widgets I put in it are back and looking good. I have one comment about KDE 10.0; IT IS FAST!
                      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                        Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                        At first I did not think I had an issue after doing the upgrade. I got no notification that a reboot was necessary. Later, I got to thinking about it and decided to reboot. That's when the * hit the fan.

                        My system tray icons appeared as what seemed like transparent desktop icons in the upper right corner, but they had no active zones and you couldn't edit or move them.. My WICD and drop box icons appared as very small, about 1/2 of their size when they were in the system tray, in the upper right desktop boarder. They, too, were inactive. Wicd was connected. There were tiny little boxes in what was left of the system tray. When I clicked on them I got the GUI interfaces. When I right clicked and chose to remove them from the system tray my system tray went away. Most of my desktop widgets were transparent and difficult to see. Playing with Workplace appearance settings did not help. I resorted to repeated the apt-get update & upgrade commands, and added -f install kubuntu-desktop for good measure. That helped somewhat. While wicd still gave me a web connection I installed the plasma network manager and then removed all of wicd's files. Knm took over automatically and worked well.

                        I opened Muon and went to the upgrade tab. I noticed that were were about 50 programs that were still labeled as the 9.x versions. So, it appears that the automatic upgrade didn't automatically install all the upgradable programs! I marked them all for upgrade and applied the upgrade. I did it again and more updates appeared. I applied them and repeated until no more 10.0 upgrades were displayed.

                        I also noticed that pulseaudio, which I had removed or disabled, as the case may be, was back, and so was that dorky KDE sound gui. I have yet to see if I can restore KMixer to the old "alsa mixer display format".

                        My YaWP weather plasmoid disappeared, as did my units converter app, and a couple others I used. I search the new widget set and replace them.

                        All it all, it was a more rocky upgrade than first appeared.
                        Kmix saw a massive overhaul with 4.10. Try it out!!! Honestly, its excellent now.


                          I had the same issue as ScottyK when upgrading to 4.10 on my laptop (12.04). The culprit was kmahjongg-data, but after using apt-get -f install command to install it everything ironed itself out. I'm going to hold off upgrading my desktop until I test the new KDE to see if it is worth the trouble.

                          I quick question regarding 4.10, does this mean that Precise will be getting dot updates as well?
                          Nowadays I'm mostly Mac, but...
                          tron: KDE neon User | MacPro5,1 | 3.2GHz Xeon | 48GB RAM | 250GB, 1TB, & 500GB Samsung SSDs | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti


                            Originally posted by benny_fletch View Post
                            I'm going to hold off upgrading my desktop until I test the new KDE to see if it is worth the trouble.
                            The new Kmix is definitely worth it. So is the new printer managing. Notifications finally work properly. There is a huge speed up and reduced memory consumption. Those are the things that have popped out at me since yesterday.



                              Thanks a lot for the good comments. I did a recovery at the start and I was offered automatically a recovery. This went on for hours, downloading over 800 files, but it was well worth it,because everything is OK now.
                              Greetings from Scotland's best holiday island – The Isle of Arran
                              I keep fighting for an independent Scotland without any nuclear weapons. If the Englanders want them, they can host them. We do not.

