Two problems have appeared:
1. On bootup, the system goes to a blank/black screen (not actually black, very dark grey). If i hit CTRL-ALT-F1, then CTRL-ALT-F7, I get the kdm greeter (yes I am using kdm) which then works as expected. This problem just appeared within the last 2 days (today is Sunday Oct 14th) after doing daily dist-upgrades, up until then has been working as expected.
2. I have 2 identical (9800 GT) cards in SLI configuration, with appropriate entries in xorg.conf to make it work. I just noticed, upon starting nvidia-settings, that card GPU1 is not being detected; I get only the entry for GPU0. I found an old copy of Lucid and booted it, and it works correctly -- both cards there -- so it's not hardware failure. lspci shows both cards present. glxgears rate is abysmal. I tried booting precise, but unfortunately I had run a dist-upgrade on it yesterday, so it's the same video driver, and the same problem. I tried uninstalling and installing an older version of the NVIDIA driver from the website, but it complains about ABI and won't start, so I can't test that idea. I do not know how long this problem has been present.
I suspect these may be related video driver problems. Anyone else having similar issues?
$ apt-cache policy nvidia-current
Installed: 304.51.really.304.43-0ubuntu1
Edit: Installing the most recent version of the NVIDIA driver from their website (304.51) has the same problem - no sli. The downloaded driver DOES fix the bootup screen problem. Anyone else with a similar setup to verify that there's a problem? Thanks.
1. On bootup, the system goes to a blank/black screen (not actually black, very dark grey). If i hit CTRL-ALT-F1, then CTRL-ALT-F7, I get the kdm greeter (yes I am using kdm) which then works as expected. This problem just appeared within the last 2 days (today is Sunday Oct 14th) after doing daily dist-upgrades, up until then has been working as expected.
2. I have 2 identical (9800 GT) cards in SLI configuration, with appropriate entries in xorg.conf to make it work. I just noticed, upon starting nvidia-settings, that card GPU1 is not being detected; I get only the entry for GPU0. I found an old copy of Lucid and booted it, and it works correctly -- both cards there -- so it's not hardware failure. lspci shows both cards present. glxgears rate is abysmal. I tried booting precise, but unfortunately I had run a dist-upgrade on it yesterday, so it's the same video driver, and the same problem. I tried uninstalling and installing an older version of the NVIDIA driver from the website, but it complains about ABI and won't start, so I can't test that idea. I do not know how long this problem has been present.
I suspect these may be related video driver problems. Anyone else having similar issues?
$ apt-cache policy nvidia-current
Installed: 304.51.really.304.43-0ubuntu1
Edit: Installing the most recent version of the NVIDIA driver from their website (304.51) has the same problem - no sli. The downloaded driver DOES fix the bootup screen problem. Anyone else with a similar setup to verify that there's a problem? Thanks.