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Problem removing grub-customizer

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    Problem removing grub-customizer

    I installed grub-customizer and it worked ok for a while. Then I started getting problems, mainly with the menu listings. As a backup I installed another linux dist on my second hard drive so I could boot from there if there were any problems. Then I proceeded to uninstall grub-customizer according to the FAQ listed here:

    The suggested removal proceedure is item #7 at the end. When I got done and I ran update-grub, I got the following error:

    /etc/grub.d/10_linux_proxy: 3: /etc/grub.d/10_linux_proxy: /etc/grub.d/proxifiedScripts/linux: not found
    /etc/grub.d/10_linux_proxy: 3: /etc/grub.d/10_linux_proxy: /etc/grub.d/bin/grubcfg_proxy: not found

    So I don't want to install this version to the MBR until I have cleared up the problem.

    As a last note, how do you mark a thread as solved or abandoned or whatever after your done with the problem? I've tried editing and that doesnt seem to work.

    Re. thread marking: "Thread Tools" in the grey bar above and to the right of the "#1" in the blue bar of the first post.

    Please Read Me


      Thanks for the info on marking the thread.

      In relation to my main problem. I also get a new error when doing an update:

      "The following errors occurred while applying changes:

      Package: grub-pc
      Error: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 127"


        Please show the output of
        dpkg -l | grep grub
        We may need to perform some package surgery. Don't worry, it only almost as difficult as rocket surgery.


          Sorry, I didn't see your post and got some input from the ubuntu site that (after a bit of adaptation) seems to have worked. A fellow at the Ubuntu sited recommeded running:

          sudo apt-get purge grub grub-pc grub-common
          sudo mv /boot/grub /boot/grub_backup
          sudo mkdir /boot/grub
          sudo apt-get install grub-pc grub-common
          sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sda
          sudo update-grub

          Which didn't work. He mentioned however that anything with "proxy" in it must be from grub-customizer, so I edited the contents of the directory /etc/grub.d and moved everything with "proxy" in it to a new folder. Then I ran the commands listed and it seems to have fixed things.

          The output of dpkg -l | grep grub is:

          larry1204@larry1204:~$ dpkg -l | grep grub
          ii grub-common 1.99-21ubuntu3.14 GRand Unified Bootloader (common files)
          ii grub-gfxpayload-lists 0.6 GRUB gfxpayload blacklist
          ii grub-pc 1.99-21ubuntu3.14 GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (PC/BIOS version)
          ii grub-pc-bin 1.99-21ubuntu3.14 GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (PC/BIOS binaries)
          ii grub2-common

          Which I hope means everything is back to standard intall. Please let me know if there is anything else I should check.


            Everything looks good there.



