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LibreOffice 4.0 Kubuntu integration

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    LibreOffice 4.0 Kubuntu integration

    I have removed LibreOffice installed by Kubuntu 12.04, downloaded all 3 tar.gz files (main installer, translated UI, built-in help) and unpacked them

    Then in every newly created directory in subdirectory DEB I ran

    sudo dpkg -i *.deb

    everything goes OK, but when I start LibreOffice it is ugly not in KDE style, and the windows Open/Save are gnome style not KDE

    Any suggestions how to fix that?

    Did you search here?


      The KDE integration packages are not part of the packages provided by Libreoffice, so we will have to wait for the Ubuntu LibreOffice packaging team to build 4.0 for us in their PPA

      Trawling through launchpad for random, uncertain PPA's is neither easy nor necessarily safe.



        The KDE integration packages are not part of the packages provided by Libreoffice, so we will have to wait for the Ubuntu LibreOffice packaging team to build 4.0 for us in their PPA
        Thanks for that. I was hoping that perhaps things had changed since last I tried to install version 3 from OO rather than put up with some issues I had with the previous 2.x releases in Kubuntu. OO 3 worked fine, but the file dialogs were just too sparse.

        So I guess I'll wait for 4.x to be packaged for Kubuntu.


        Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


          I'm not sure if this will work with 4.0 as well, but after installing LibreOffice 3.6, I had to remove the package "libreoffice3.6-stdlibs_3.6.4.3-3_amd64.deb" before LibreOffice would appear properly themed.



            I had to remove the package "libreoffice3.6-stdlibs_3.6.4.3-3_amd64.deb" before LibreOffice would appear properly themed
            Sounds interesting. Was the LO 3.6 you are referring to from the repository, or from the Document Foundation? And afterwards, was it indeed 3.6 that was running, or a previous version? One would think that removing that package would pretty much eviscerate 3.6.

            Last edited by Frank616; Feb 23, 2013, 05:27 PM.
            Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


              It was from the packages on the LibreOffice website. As I understand it, that package provides local copies of some libraries. Removing the package makes LibreOffice use the system-installed versions of those libraries instead. For whatever reason, the local libraries in that package mess with the theming on some setups (such as every Kubuntu setup I've tried it in).


                Perhaps you can try libreoffice-kde in debian experimental repo.



                  Very interesting. I'll give that a try as soon as I have an opportunity to do so. I'll have to swap out the removable hard drive in my test machine to do it, but it does sound interesting.

                  Did you have a previous install of LO on your machine from the repository? Did you uninstall that first?

                  I'll report back after I give it a try.

                  Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


                    Yes, I removed the repository version of LibreOffice first. I also add the following line to /etc/profile:
                    export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=gnome

                    This makes LibreOffice use the GTK integration instead of KDE integration, which I think is a better-looking and more polished experience.

