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Slow Dolphin, Lost Keyboard shortcuts Relate To Samba.

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    Slow Dolphin, Lost Keyboard shortcuts Relate To Samba.


    I am using KUbuntu since 9.04 LTS and I love it as it gets better and batter. Till date I have used mostly LTS version. I bought Dell 15R SE with i7, 8G, 256GB SSD, ATI 7730 1920x1080 laptop and obvious choice was KU 12.04. But Networking has changed a Lot in 12.04 and is giving me some teething problems every now and then.

    KU 12.04 is really very nice most of the hardware except ATI GFX 7730 card worked outof Box including Bluetooth, wifi, sound, USB 3, BT headphone, Fans (with i8kutils), wireless mouse, touchpad etc etc. For GFX card I had to install proprietory Driver by downloading from AMD ATI site and configure as per instructions given there little pain but worked fine in one shot. However Still I can not switch between Integrated and descrete GPU by giving commands and rebooting as given in driver installation guide but I will take up that issue later on when other things settle down and I start using laptop for my routine development tasks.

    The First problem I have faced is eth0 connects only after cable is plugged In and If router is not configured with DHCP then in recovery mode networking waits for very long time say more than 5 mins (which I tested then turned off).

    Fixed IP are to be given in Network Management window which pops up by right clicking icon in tray. I tried with /etc/network/interfaces as in 10.04 but failed. Same case with resolve.conf. I dont know how shall I tackle that.

    Recently I am facing problem with Dolphin and key board shortcuts. When I start with cable plugged in then dolphin and Keyboard shortcuts work fine but while starting if network cable is not plugged in then dolphin takes very long time to popup as well to show listings. Changing places also takes long time. By long time I mean near about minute or two. At the same time if system settings are opened then it opens quickly but any subselection takes long time. However in these circumtances Kosole opens quickly and ls command respond quickly. If i do netstat -tapn | grep smbd nothing is shown. restarting smbd netstat shows values but dophin, systemsetting operation are slow as before.

    can somebody help me in this situation ?

    Similarly I would prefer to start eth0 at boot time with fixed IP and DNS servers of my choice How can I do it ?
    Start samba at boot time which will listen on eth0, lo, vmnet1 and vmnet 8 independed of any cable attachments. How it can be done ?

    Thanks and warm regards.

    Raja Patil

    Clean install or upgrade?

    If it is an upgrade I suggest you create a new user and see if they have the same problems. If they don't then it is a problem with your old users config files.


      Thanks James,

      Its a clean Install On new Laptop. I tested with another user and behaviour is exactly same. I suspect its problem with system config files rather than user configs.

      Thanks and warm regards

      Raja Patil


        Do these problems happen on the livecd as well? If so I suggest trying 12.10 and see if it is any better.


          I am afraid that shifting to 12.10 may invite full reinstallation and reconfiguring which may trigger some other problems. Please advice on this.
          However to diagnose can you suggest some thing ?

          Thanks and warm regards

          Raja Patil


            Originally posted by raja_s_patil View Post
            I am afraid that shifting to 12.10 may invite full reinstallation and reconfiguring which may trigger some other problems. Please advice on this.
            If it is a new install then reinstalling and configuring 12.10 should not take too long. If it is worst off then 12.04 you can reinstall 12.04 again.

            I suggest trying a live cd of both and see if they suffer from the problems.

            However to diagnose can you suggest some thing ?
            Disable networkmanager and try connecting manually

            sudo stop networkmanager
            sudo ifdown eth0
            sudo ifup eth0
            sudo dhclient
            see what it does


              Originally posted by james147 View Post
              If it is a new install then reinstalling and configuring 12.10 should not take too long. If it is worst off then 12.04 you can reinstall 12.04 again.
              I have spent about a day after clean install of 12.04 to satisfy my development needs which include vmware, database, apache, tomcat, diagram suits, eclipse, configure BT headset etc. etc. If any other means fail then I will consider trying 12.10 since earlier I have not noticed such problem I feel that by doing/reverting some flags in config files will do the trick. Or otherwise turning off network-manager may also help as I did in 10.04.

              Originally posted by james147 View Post
              I suggest trying a live cd of both and see if they suffer from the problems.
              Nice suggestion but I will try a bit modified version like test by installing in a virtual machine.

              Originally posted by james147 View Post

              Disable networkmanager and try connecting manually

              sudo stop networkmanager
              sudo ifdown eth0
              sudo ifup eth0
              sudo dhclient
              see what it does
              I tried above commands.

              Stopping network-manager made dolphin fast as before
              but sudo ifup eth0 failed since i didn't changed the /etc/network/interfaces file

              again I enabled network-manager and unplugged the cable dolphin became slow.

              So it seems that its a network-manager related problem.

              can you guide me howto stop samba from starting automatically at boot time. I tried bum and deactivated smbd,mbd there but somehow its starting at boot time but netstat -tapn | grep smbd shows nothing immediately after boot. I have to restart both services after boot to see something in netstat.

              Thanks and warm regards.

              Raja Patil

