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Gparted won't launch from Kickoff

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    Gparted won't launch from Kickoff

    In 12.04, I installed gparted through Muon Package Manager.

    An entry (with icon) for it showed up under K > Applications > System.
    But when I click that entry to start Gparted, it tries to start (the arrow in the Tray rotates), but quits.

    In Konsole, from my home prompt, I can start 'something' by entering simply
    and then I'm prompted for the password for root privileges; and it works fine.

    Menu Editor for the Kickoff shows:

    Name: Gparted
    Command: gparted-pkexec

    (I tried changing that command to gparted, and that didn't work -- I got a message saying only root privileges will open it but no chance to enter root PW.)

    When I try to open gparted from Konsole using the command
    I get this:

    No protocol specified
    No protocol specified

    (gpartedbin:15538): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0


    Any ideas what to do so Gparted starts from the Kickoff > Application > System menu?

    is indeed in
    and I see no other entry in /usr/bin that looks like gparted.

    Under /usr/sbin there is gparted and gpartedbin
    which must be what opens when I type
    at Konsole and am prompted for a PW.

    So, do I have TWO versions of Gparted installed? --
    One from Muon (gparted-pkexec) and one under /usr/sbin (gparted, gpartedbin)?
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

    Change the menu entry to run "kdesudo gparted"

    (The issue is most likely a policykit problem with gparted-pkexec...a method to gain root privileges through policykit)


      Perfect -- That worked. A good lesson for future issues (hope I can remember this!).
      Many thanks, kubicle!
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Or if you want debugging output check the option to launch it in a terminal in the menu entry, that way you get more information about why it fails.

        And the other gparted executables are likely just wrappers around the gparted binary, they are often just shell scripts which can be opened in a terminal (not that you should ever edit them )


          Interesting. Thanks for that info & tip, james147.
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

