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Using KDRC for remote desktop access

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    Using KDRC for remote desktop access

    OK, tried Splashtop for Linux, and yes, it works -- sort of. The Android client is buggy and very slow. I'm thinking that I can do as well or better with KDRC and VNC for Android. Problem is, where do I start?

    I've been using Linux exclusively for over 5 years, most of that with Kubuntu. I am familiar with Linux. I know little, if anything, about networking.

    Anyone know how to set this up so that I can access my desktop over the Internet (not just on the local LAN) with KDRC and VNC for Android?

    Much thanks.

    Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.

    KRDC is the viewer to see a remote desktop so that is not of use to your phone
    tightvnc server is one of many vnc servers you can run on your desktop to allow remote access/control. x11vnc is another one that is also supposed to be a bit faster than plain vnc, and there are a number of how-to's on this I think here and on the web. However trial and error are the name of the game as it seems what may work for me may not work as well for you, in my experiences with vnc.

    As to access outside your network, you will probably need a dynamic ip service such as dyndns and perhaps adjusting your router's settings if needed.

    Actually, another solution to try that some of us here have used is teamviewer, which also has an android client now. Cannot remember the speed of it on the phone, though others may have more experience with it.

