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Netflix Now Ubuntu! How does it work in Kubuntu 12.10 or 12.04?

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    Netflix Now Ubuntu! How does it work in Kubuntu 12.10 or 12.04?

    I just recently read on the web that, A programmer named Erich Hoover has made a way using PPA to get a netflix app so that users can start using netflix. I have been waiting for this for a very long time. The article states that it works only in ubuntu. Would this work the same in Kubuntu? Is this advisable since there is no official support yet? Please advise.

    I've been using it for about a week in Kubuntu. Other than occasional lockups of the app when I pause the video, it works great, and uses significantly fewer system resources than Windows in virtualbox.


      I tried running it in Ubuntu 12.10. It grabbed a lot of my system resources and my CPU temp got pretty high, and it also grabbed control of my mouse and would not release it and required a Ctrl-Alt-Del to close it. But it did work. I was using the Gnome Classic Desktop, maybe it will be friendlier in Unity. I'll try that and see. I'll also try it in Kubuntu also and report back.


        Doesn't Netflix require the use of WINE?
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Yes, the program installs a modified version of wine to run on.


            Good day,

            I installed it, it asks to install more, I told it yes, but it comes back to the same screen.

            I tried it from the command line and it says that gksudo isn't installed.

            I tried a apt-get install gksudo, it said that it isn't available to install

            im running 12.04.1 64 bit any ideas?



              Originally posted by smeghead View Post
              Good day,

              I installed it, it asks to install more, I told it yes, but it comes back to the same screen.

              I tried it from the command line and it says that gksudo isn't installed.

              I tried a apt-get install gksudo, it said that it isn't available to install

              im running 12.04.1 64 bit any ideas?

              I believe that gksudo is provided by the package gksu.

              (Actually the gksu package sets up gksudo as a simlink to gksu)
              "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
              -- Douglas Adams


                Thank you, HalationEffect,

                That got it moving. it is installing the mono now.

                (part of me is upset that i have to put mono on this computer, but netflix is needed...)



                  Originally posted by smeghead View Post
                  Thank you, HalationEffect,

                  That got it moving. it is installing the mono now.

                  (part of me is upset that i have to put mono on this computer, but netflix is needed...)

                  LOL ,,,,,, dont get the Graygeek going on mono now ,,,,,,,, and bedsides NetFlix is a staple necessity , is it not ..................

                  i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                  16GB RAM
                  Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                    Sssooooo the wife got a netflix acct. for X-mas and since my laptop is the only one with a HDMI output for the new flat screen TV I just had to try this

                    AND guess what ,,,,,, it's not to bad .
                    running on Kubuntu-12.10-i386 SOME flix are a bit jumpy some are not but I have a real slow net connection so that may have something to do with it .
                    we are watching it now as I type this
                    temps are high 175-190 F but that's not out of range of most video watching on this box be it a DVD , .avi , or youtube if viewed for a extended period of time and the netflix has been on all day apparently.

                    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                    16GB RAM
                    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                      Netflix in Wine on Kubuntu

                      I tried this package on a standalone partition using Kubuntu Precise Pangolin 12.04 32-bit. The OS plus the package required 3.75 Gb, so I devoted a 10 Gb partition to it (probably overkill). I made the netflix-desktop autostart, and, of course, turned off the screensaver and energy saving screen-dimmer:

                      I put it in my bootup options so that I could boot straight to Netflix without touching anything. It works a treat and way faster than on my Windows box (which takes forever to load).

                      Erich Hoover -- Thank You! This really works great in Kubuntu.


                      Right now the killer is being surrounded by a web of deduction, forensic science,
                      and the latest in technology such as two-way radios and e-mail.


                        Originally posted by HalationEffect View Post
                        I believe that gksudo is provided by the package gksu.

                        (Actually the gksu package sets up gksudo as a simlink to gksu)
                        Halation's is a very effective solution to the issues with Netflix-Desktop's script to install more packages.. However, I used a different fix that does not involve installing gksu. After installing Netflix-Desktop from PPA, simply edit the file /usr/bin/wine-browser and replace several references to "gksudo" with "kdesudo". Then it works like a charm at installing mono, gecko, ms fonts, or anything else your system needs.
                        It's Ubuntastic!
                        -Thinkpad T500- Custom build of KDE-Ubuntu 13.10 x64 & Windows 7 dual boot
                        -Desktop- Ubuntu 12.04 & Win7 dual-boot AMD-FX6300 3.5GHz, Asrock 990FX Extreme4, 2GB VRAM Radeon HD7870, 8GB Ares 1600 Ram, Samsung EVO SSD, Momentus Hybrid HDD.


                          Originally posted by perspectoff View Post
                          I tried this package on a standalone partition using Kubuntu Precise Pangolin 12.04 32-bit.
                          Erich Hoover -- Thank You! This really works great in Kubuntu.
                          I agree! Finally some Netflix love for Linux!
                          It's Ubuntastic!
                          -Thinkpad T500- Custom build of KDE-Ubuntu 13.10 x64 & Windows 7 dual boot
                          -Desktop- Ubuntu 12.04 & Win7 dual-boot AMD-FX6300 3.5GHz, Asrock 990FX Extreme4, 2GB VRAM Radeon HD7870, 8GB Ares 1600 Ram, Samsung EVO SSD, Momentus Hybrid HDD.

