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Should I use Skype 4.0 64 bit or 4.1 32 bit on my 64 bit system?

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    Should I use Skype 4.0 64 bit or 4.1 32 bit on my 64 bit system?


    I was surprised to find skype-ubuntu_4.0.0.8-1_amd64.deb in my download folder. I had dowloaded the latest version for 12.04 from the Skype site but it is a 32 bit version. Is it better to use the vanilla 64 bit 4.0 version or the 12.04 specific 4.1 32 bit one bearing in mind I get a "wrong version" message when I try to install the 32 bit package.


    Last edited by michel; Nov 23, 2012, 05:01 PM.

    I am going to look at it, but previous 64 bit Skype packages were just the 32bit ones with the ia32-libs added as a dependency, to make installing it simpler for the user.

    My skype is at 4.1.0, not much change other than a new login window and added integration with other MS chat clients (msn, etc)

    Yup, the 64 bit package pulls in skype-bin, which is 32 bit. Which will pull in the 32 bit libraries if they are not needed.

    I think you will find the 4.0 a slight bit better than the older versions, at least I found it so. I use it daily and it seems fine, perhaps a small improvement in video quality.
    Last edited by claydoh; Nov 23, 2012, 06:13 PM.



      Why am I getting an error message when trying to install the 4.1 32 bit version?

      Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'


        post the output of
        uname -a
        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          I don't know, to be honest. How are you trying to install it? It is possible that the bit of Muon that installs individual, downloaded deb packages does not support multiarch, but I don't recall having issues installing version 4 (64bit) in 12.04.

          If you have the partner repository enabled in your software sources, you should just be able to install or upgrade it via a package manager. Or simply sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.
          Last edited by claydoh; Nov 23, 2012, 06:33 PM.


            Just as a random side note: I've always found that the version from the partner repo although always slightly older (maybe a point release or bugfix release older) usually installs without hassle. The version from Skype's website usually gives me problems.


              Thanks to all the feedback. I installed the Skype in the repos and it's working fine.



                EDIT!: Btw, there is NO 64-bit version of skype for Linux. It uses multiarch or ia32 libs and 32-bit architecture files and packages that are compatible on a 64-bit OS.

                I read how, to add the required repo and install it from the Package Manager. Nice!
                Last edited by kdeputer; Dec 02, 2012, 07:04 AM.

