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Suggestions for web photo gallery software?

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    Suggestions for web photo gallery software?

    Hi all,

    I'm a long time user of Jalbum and have finally blown my stack with ongoing difficulties installing and updating it. For those unaware of Jalbum, it's a pretty good photo gallery software package, but it's written in Java. Without a word of exaggeration I have spent hours over the last few years trying to get it to run right, and this includes when I used to run Windows. I'm really not looking forward to migrating as I have a 200+ photo family album and a 2500+ photo hobby album. The final straw was after sending them money and supporting their hosting service they now serve a pop-up nag which confused my elderly parents.

    I have my own web space at but I don't know if I'm allowed to run any scripts. Neither album gets excessive traffic.

    Any suggestions? Links to examples would be great.

    If you're into old sports cars, have a look at my existing gallery:

    Owncloud can be used to display and share pictures, although that isn't entirely designed for photo management.

    If you don't mind using google services, their photo management software is brilliant.

    Digikam is great for managing your photos locally as well as uploading them to a variety of different web services.


      Gallery is a good photo gallery tool, but does require access to a database, php, etc. Digikam and Gwenview have plugins that can upload to them, and their are other tools to upload to a Gallery, um, gallery in the repos. I remember the built in uploader to work well last I used the software, but there are []many ways to access your gallery[/url]

      From looking at your web host, their packages do include the things needed to run this. If your host provides a software installation tool, often Gallery is one of the choices.

      This may be a little bit of work up front setting it up, but it may well be better than jalbum if you struggle with that.

      Other choices are the obvious cloud stuff - flickr, etc. Even blogging software such as Wordpress have good gallery plugins.


        I was afraid that Digikam would be mentioned. I've installed it three separate times in the last two years (on multiple Kubuntu installs), and had crashes every time. It looks like awesome software, but I'm looking for something MORE stable than Jalbum, not less.

        Joomla looks pretty cool, but it looks like there's a learning curve and I'd have to enable it on my webhost, which will cost me another $36/year (I'm already thinking of ditching my enginemusic website as it's a financial and time drain and a vanity project anyway). Same goes for Gallery. While I would love to learn PHP and MySQL, I would also love to learn guitar, spend more time with my toddler, and build a bike. Not enough time.

        So I'll play around with the Google option; I'm not keen on getting more entwined with them than I already am, but it's the "free" way out. Preparing to be assimilated....

        Thanks for advice!


          google's picasa web alblems is nice I use it .

          if you wanted to be your own boss as it were ,,,,, it is not very hard to use apatchey to serve your own website and konqueror to make nice photo gallery's . Konqueror has a option to automatically create a photo gallery from a directory .

          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
          16GB RAM
          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


            Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
            google's picasa web alblems is nice I use it .
            As a web-only solution, right? Picasa is apparently available only for the Two Leading Operating Systems. Been playing with it a little bit; have to put together an album and see how it looks. Will probably use it going forward but not migrate old stuff. I guess it does have the advantage of being an off-site backup but who knows when Google will turn Truly Evil?


              sampel of picasa web

              shots of a 5 generation family get together
              I'm the freak in the bandanna :-P

              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
              16GB RAM
              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

