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Kopete crash!

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    Thanks..but that's not really my point. If I had stayed to the original KDE 4.8 that comes stock with 12.04, would there ever have been a chance to have the Kopete bug fixed? For me this is an integral component in the KDE desktop.


      Originally posted by Wallace View Post
      Thanks..but that's not really my point. If I had stayed to the original KDE 4.8 that comes stock with 12.04, would there ever have been a chance to have the Kopete bug fixed? For me this is an integral component in the KDE desktop.
      I guess there is always the possibility, but most likely no, you would not have ever received this fix. Unfortunately that is the downfall of the software world, they keep moving forward and if you are on an older release you get left behind. This isn't just linux, it happens in Windows and OS X as well. Yes, normally there are updated software for a time for old versions, but eventually they become unsupported and you are out of luck. On top of that, KDE does things a bit differently, they tend to update their applications with their DE instead of offering individual updates, which leaves you in the predicament you are now. It may not be the best model, but it is the one they adopted.

      Next, the Kubuntu Developers were gracious enough to offer 4.9 for 12.04 possibly for this exact reason, they realize KDE isn't perfect and 4.9 offered much improvement over 4.8, thus allowing those who chose to do so to install it on Precise. The truth of the matter is you may not see much bugfixes for 4.8 in Precise either, unless they are made by the Kubuntu Developers since the KDE developers have moved on to 4.9 and very soon to 4.10. If we eventually see KDE 4.9.4 in the PPA repos for Precise, we will basically be getting all the bugfixes KDE intended us to get anyways. The fixes for 4.8 in Precise will likely only be seem if there is a security risk or a major bugfix (so you still might see your kopete fix), but not much else. The Kubuntu Developers are now primarily working on 12.10 and 13.04, although probably more on the latter. They only have so much time, remember a majority of them are volunteers and are doing this work after spending most their day at a job.

      Regardless of my above rant, you should know KDE 4.9.3 is now available for Precise. Hopefully it will resolve your issue.
      Nowadays I'm mostly Mac, but...
      tron: KDE neon User | MacPro5,1 | 3.2GHz Xeon | 48GB RAM | 250GB, 1TB, & 500GB Samsung SSDs | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti


        If you stick with the 'stock' 12.04 and don't add the ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa and ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports repositories, you are missing out on the best that 12.04 can be.

        On my 12.04 64-bit, I upgraded to KDE 4.9.3 (from 4.9.2) this morning.

        Adding the two ppa's is easy. In a console type:
        sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa
        When it finishes,
        sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports
        Afterwards type:
        sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
          If you stick with the 'stock' 12.04 and don't add the ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa and ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports repositories, you are missing out on the best that 12.04 can be.
          Speaking of missing out on the best that 12.04 can be, do you upgrade your xorg and related drivers via a PPA as well or do you keep them 'stock'?
          Nowadays I'm mostly Mac, but...
          tron: KDE neon User | MacPro5,1 | 3.2GHz Xeon | 48GB RAM | 250GB, 1TB, & 500GB Samsung SSDs | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti


            Speaking of missing out on the best that 12.04 can be, do you upgrade your xorg and related drivers via a PPA as well or do you keep them 'stock'?

            I add the ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa and ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports repositories. What other repositories should I be adding?



              I was curious what Snowhog would suggest to bring out the best of 12.04. It was recommended in another thread that if I wanted to use the proprietary nvidia driver in Precise I should think about upgrading my xorg via the xorg-edgers PPA and I didn't know if it makes the experience any better. Also, I just wanted to know what other people that run 12.04 + KDE 4.9.3 tend to do.

              BTW, did the update fix your issue?
              Nowadays I'm mostly Mac, but...
              tron: KDE neon User | MacPro5,1 | 3.2GHz Xeon | 48GB RAM | 250GB, 1TB, & 500GB Samsung SSDs | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti


                Originally posted by benny_fletch View Post
                I was curious what Snowhog would suggest to bring out the best of 12.04. It was recommended in another thread that if I wanted to use the proprietary nvidia driver in Precise I should think about upgrading my xorg via the xorg-edgers PPA and I didn't know if it makes the experience any better. Also, I just wanted to know what other people that run 12.04 + KDE 4.9.3 tend to do.

                BTW, did the update fix your issue?
                Yes...fixed...thanks to all. Having come from running Debian Squeeze for the last couple of years, when setting up you would use a sources.list generator. But then nothing was included in Squeeze so it was easy to pick and choose what you needed. I see there there is a generator for Ubuntu/Kubuntu also, but I'll be damed if I know what repos are necessary and which will be redundant.

                And unless you game or are having display issues I don't see how updating your video drivers or xorg will really make any noticeable performance impact.
                Last edited by Wallace; Nov 10, 2012, 10:15 PM.


                  Hehe. I have it 'easy', as I just have a lowly Intel Integrated GPU. It's good enough for my needs.
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

