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Weird one: xdg-open vs. kmenu odd behavior

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    Weird one: xdg-open vs. kmenu odd behavior

    I installed wine via playonlinux on my son's laptop last night. The installer puts the Wine submenu in and a few items, one of which is "Browse Drive C:"

    However, when I click on the "Browse..." I get an error message (I'm paraphrasing here as I'm not at the computer in question at the moment) "Location not found" and the missing location is "/home/USER/Documents/.wine/dosdevices/C:"

    Immediately I recognised the path is incorrect. It should be "/home/USER/.wine/dosdevices/C:" so I went into kmenuedit and expected to change the entry and be done. But No! The entry there was "xdg-open $HOME/..." which seemed correct. I even tested it by opening a konsole window and cut-n-pasted it into there - and it worked correctly!

    Now, this is not a deal breaker, but it seems it might be an actual bug. Before I visit launchpad to report it, anyone know what to check or fix to make it work right?

    Please Read Me

    Try this:

    * Open System Settings | Account Details
    * Go to Paths
    * In Documents path, remove "Documents/" after "/home/user/"

    Log out and back in. Any difference?

