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KDE 4.9 upgrade

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    Originally posted by benny_fletch View Post
    I just noticed the availability of KDE 4.9.3 for 12.10 and Raring on and was just wondering if there were plans to release that update for 12.04 LTS users? I have been extremely pleased with 4.9.2 and I am very grateful that it was made available for Precise, so please don't take this as me complaining or anything, I am simply curious. Thanks.
    I was wondering the same thing. Eager to try out 4.9.3 but wanting to stick with 12.04 for now. I will remain patient and keep the backports repo enabled.


      Originally posted by michel View Post
      Consumer research is becoming a big thing in Linux lately, what have you been using before Kubuntu and what are the features you like most about it?
      You shouldn't have asked that, man... you're going to get me started...

      I first became interested in Linux around 2007. Prior to that, I had only used Windows/DOS on the PC. I checked out Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Debian and PCLinuxOS at that time. I found that I prefered the KDE desktop over Gnome and used PCLinuxOS as my main OS for a few years. Eventually, I switched over to Kubuntu and KDE 4. I frequently try out the other desktops, and can find my way around Unity, Gnome 2/MATE, XFCE, LXDE and Enlightenment.

      My experience with KDE can probably be summed up like this: I've become spoiled. In a way, KDE ruins my experience on other desktops, because every time I'm using the other desktops, I find myself missing features that are only found in KDE or are not as easy to accomplish without KDE. Here are a few examples:
      • Adding a new application to the K menu is a breeze, and I find myself frequently modifying or creating launchers to add command-line flags or whatnot. It took me a while to discover the "alacarte" program for doing this in other Linux desktops, but it doesn't always work well (completely fails in Xubuntu 12.10).
      • Window management is so configurable with kwin! I love being able to add a title bar button to pin a window on top of others. I love being able to control window transparency with the scroll wheel over the title bar. (I have only one monitor, and sometimes being able to partly see under a window is very helpful.) I also have custom keyboard shortcuts for minimizing, maximizing and tiling windows.
      • I love being able to set window rules; it gives me such control over my applications. For example, I always have Dolphin and Kwrite open to the same size, regardless of what size I last changed them to. I always have Firefox open non-maximized and centered on the screen. I have set the "Styles and Formatting" window in LibreOffice to be slightly transparent. I have set the Rosegarden transport window to be slightly transparent, always on top, and not to be displayed in the taskbar. I could go on, but you get the idea.
      • I love that I can choose from a large number of ways that the Alt-Tab dialog can appear.
      • I love having an easy way in system settings to create my own keyboard shortcuts for anything. For example, I have Ctrl-Shift-F set to launch kfind, which is a great file search tool that doesn't need Nepomuk to be able to search the contents of your files.
      • Dolphin services menu. Not only can I click a button in Dolphin to download new service menu options, it is pretty easy to create your own. Some really useful ones I have: Copy Path (copies the entire filename including path), Rename with KRename (really nice for mass renaming operations), and an option to convert any audio file.
      • Dolphin's dual-pane mode, F4 integrated terminal and overall configurability. All other desktops have inferior file managers, IMO.
      • Klipper. Having instant access to recent clipboard items is a godsend!
      • Click on Battery Monitor icon, uncheck "Power Management Enabled", and you can watch that video without the screensaver coming on. This is only an issue in certain players (like Flash), but it is nice to have an easy workaround.
      • KRunner is like a swiss army knife of functionality.
      • Plasma Desktop. Here's my current setup. Desktop: Microblogging plasmoid to instantly see my latest Twitter feeds, CPU/RAM usage monitor, Folder View for desktop icons. On my dash, I also have a Folder View plasmoid pointed to a folder called "handy-dandy". Anything that I want quick access to, I will copy or symlink into my handy-dandy folder for easy access. I just simply hit the key combo to bring up my dash and double-click on the file I want to open.
      • Activities. I have my standard "desktop" activity and a "screen capture" activity. The "screen capture" activity has no desktop plasmoids or icons which is great when I want to record a video tutorial. When I'm done shooting the video, I just go back to my "desktop" activity and everything is there again.

      There's more... a lot more! Is KDE perfect? No, there are some bugs, but nothing that bothers me too much or can't be worked around. I also realize that not everybody cares about the level of customizability and they may prefer a "simpler" desktop. However, for me, KDE is the ideal desktop. It gives me the control I desire over exactly how my computer behaves. KDE reminds me that this is my computer. Of course part of that is due to Linux in general as well.


        KDE 4.9.3 for Precise has shown up in the backports repo. The updates installed without issue and everything appears to be working as advertised. Thanks for taking the time to provide this update, it's much appreciated!
        Nowadays I'm mostly Mac, but...
        tron: KDE neon User | MacPro5,1 | 3.2GHz Xeon | 48GB RAM | 250GB, 1TB, & 500GB Samsung SSDs | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti


          Originally posted by benny_fletch View Post
          KDE 4.9.3 for Precise has shown up in the backports repo. The updates installed without issue and everything appears to be working as advertised. Thanks for taking the time to provide this update, it's much appreciated!
          Always good to learn that things are working well. However, this forum is maintained independently from the Kubuntu project (although some folks here belong to both). I'm sure that if you dropped into #kubuntu-devel on Freenode, the developers there would appreciate the positive feedback.


            Yup, pulled in KDE 4.9.3 this evening. Due to two pinned packages that I'd forgotten about, the upgrade removed Kontact. Once I realized that, it was just a matter of unpinning the packages and updating/dist-upgrading again to pull in the packages that were omitted initially, and then installing Kontact. My Kontact/Kmail is once again installed and fully intact.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
              Always good to learn that things are working well. However, this forum is maintained independently from the Kubuntu project (although some folks here belong to both). I'm sure that if you dropped into #kubuntu-devel on Freenode, the developers there would appreciate the positive feedback.
              Not to completely sound dense here, but it is has been a long time since I have used IRC (last time was 1997), so how exactly would I do this? I would love to thank everyone involved, the upgrade has worked well (so far) on both my laptop and desktop installs of 12.04.
              Nowadays I'm mostly Mac, but...
              tron: KDE neon User | MacPro5,1 | 3.2GHz Xeon | 48GB RAM | 250GB, 1TB, & 500GB Samsung SSDs | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti


                If you have a standard Kubuntu install, you'll have the Quassel IRC client, pre-configured to connect to Freenode. Start it up, create a nickname, and join the #kubuntu-devel channel.

                Another avenue would be the mailing list. This actually might be better, since IRC messages tend to be fleeting. The address is I don't think you have to subscribe in order to send, but I'm not actually sure. If you try to send and it bounces, then you'll need to subscribe.

                One of unfortunate side effects of working in the free software world is that the developers receive a lot of criticism when things don't work, but rarely receive praise when things do. Like I mentioned during my interview with the KDE folks at UDS, no one calls you when the printer actually prints. Developers need to know that we value their work.


                  Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                  If you have a standard Kubuntu install, you'll have the Quassel IRC client, pre-configured to connect to Freenode. Start it up, create a nickname, and join the #kubuntu-devel channel.

                  Another avenue would be the mailing list. This actually might be better, since IRC messages tend to be fleeting. The address is I don't think you have to subscribe in order to send, but I'm not actually sure. If you try to send and it bounces, then you'll need to subscribe.

                  One of unfortunate side effects of working in the free software world is that the developers receive a lot of criticism when things don't work, but rarely receive praise when things do. Like I mentioned during my interview with the KDE folks at UDS, no one calls you when the printer actually prints. Developers need to know that we value their work.
                  I think I figured out how to connect to Freenode's Web IRC and the kubuntu-devel channel, but I will send an e-mail to kubuntu-devel (at) as well. Thanks for the info.

                  Also, I agree that it helps to spread good news when it happens, since I assume sometimes working open source software feels like a thankless job. I just want to say it is not and I appreciate all the work the kubuntu developers are doing! Keep up the great work.

                  Apparently I can't post to the above mailing list, I received a "you are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has been automatically rejected" thank you but no thanks response. I will try reply to the list owner and see if my message can't be relaid in some fashion.
                  Last edited by benny_fletch; Nov 10, 2012, 12:23 AM. Reason: EDIT
                  Nowadays I'm mostly Mac, but...
                  tron: KDE neon User | MacPro5,1 | 3.2GHz Xeon | 48GB RAM | 250GB, 1TB, & 500GB Samsung SSDs | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti


                    I've sent a thank you via email. Did not bounce back.



                      DID bounce back!


                        You can use freenode Web IRC (qwebirc) to connect to freenode IRC via your browser. Provide a nickname and put #kubuntu-devel as the channel to join, type in the reCaptcha and you're in.
                        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                          Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
                          You can use freenode Web IRC (qwebirc) to connect to freenode IRC via your browser. Provide a nickname and put #kubuntu-devel as the channel to join, type in the reCaptcha and you're in.
                          Thanks, I managed to log in but how do you post?



                            There is a full-screen wide, one line high window at the bottom of the screen. That is where you type. To post the text, press the Enter key.

                            What username are you using there?
                            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                              I posted there last night (9:30PM ish PST), but I don't know if anyone was logged in to see it. Is there a better time?
                              Nowadays I'm mostly Mac, but...
                              tron: KDE neon User | MacPro5,1 | 3.2GHz Xeon | 48GB RAM | 250GB, 1TB, & 500GB Samsung SSDs | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti


                                [10:14] -ChanServ- [#kubuntu-devel] Welcome to #kubuntu-devel. This channel is logged.

                                Your comments are preserved, and will be noted by the developers.
                                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
                                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

