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Where is this Chinese crap coming from?

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    Where is this Chinese crap coming from?

    All of a sudden I have a Chinese google on my gmail? WHY? yes I have been China for 3 months (hated it) and now I have Chinese appearing on my system ...GOOGLE...mostly.

    I tried to remove chromium and re installing but it is still in Chinese!!! I really hate not having control over my own system and would like to know how to fix this? I thought I change the tracking on google as I do not want to be tracked and I started using to avoid being tracked.

    Can someone explain to me how a visit to Chinese has changed MY email to Chinese and I cannot change it back? What options do I have...I fecken hate google but have no choice to use their email and chromium is just better that the alternatives.

    Please any advice to get rid of this garbage is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    Its probably cookies and user settings stored in you home file. Open up Dolphin file manager and view hidden folders (Alt + .). Youll probably see a folder called .chromium or something like that. Delete it and then restart Chromium.


      I cannot find a chromium file in the home floder. would it be somewhere else?


        Screenshots would be helpful. What's appearing in Chinese -- only the contents of Gmail emails viewed in a browser? The results of Google searches? Other Google sites? Non-Google sites?


          Hello, When I log out of my gmail, the gmail log in page is all in Chinese. Then google will offer to traslate. When I sign into gmail then it is english.


            Chromium config files are in .config/chromium Open you file manager back up, show hidden files, go into .config and you should see a chromium file in there . Delete it and restart Chromium.


              Could be Google cookies, too. You might try deleting those.

              EDIT: does Chromium store its cookies in .config/chromium? If so, then Mr. Funk's advice will also kill all your cookies.


                Chinese crap is gone. nice to clean everything up once in a while.

                Thanks all

