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Trash won't work

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    Trash won't work

    Didn't find anything recent on this, though there are older threads on it.

    What's up with this in 12.04? Anybody else getting this? -->

    Installed the Trash icon in the Tray.
    It's empty (0 B, 0 folders/files).
    Open Dolphin to confirm this.

    Settings: Max size set at 13 GB.

    Now I rt-click a small text file, select Move to Trash, and get the message:
    Trash has reached its maximum size. Clean up the Trash manually!

    I did remove the Trash icon and re-installed it. Also re-booted the PC.

    (I do realize I can use Delete or use Konsole to rm in files and info, etc.)
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

    On a default 12.04.01 installation (in a VM), I can open Dolphin, browse to my ~./Downloads directory, right-click on a downloaded file, and choose "Move to Trash", and it goes there. Then I can right-click on the trashcan icon in Dolphin's left panel, and choose "Empty" and it is emptied. So maybe your problem is related to the shortcut on the panel?


      Have you tried to manually clean/remove the Trash (~/.local/share/Trash/ and/or the /.Trash-1000 folders) ?:
      Last edited by OneLine; Aug 31, 2012, 06:49 AM.
      Have you tried ?

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        It is working inconsistently!

        Lately, two events:
        -- I could not Move To Trash a text file in Desktop.
        -- I could Move To Trash a video file in my home (from a Dolphin window as per dibl) and then open Trash and Empty Trash.

        Sometimes, when there is something in the Trash, the option Empty Trash is dimmed out (i.e., is not an option).

        OK, so ...


        yes, I sometimes do something like
        [s]rm -ll .local/share/Trash/files/*
        [s]rm -ll .local/share/Trash/info/*

        Some of the info in the link you gave me is somewhat technical (for me), but the take-away I will use next time this happens is to tweak the metadata file; perhaps by removing it.

        Thanks, guys. Good news is that I'm not in the Twilight Zone; and that this seems NOT to affect any other KDE-related things in the workspace.
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          I made a junk file named "blah.txt" in my home folder. I used Dolphin to send it to trash. I browsed to ~/.local/share/Trash/files and was able to see it and delete it with no issues:

          don@ubuntu:~/.local/share/Trash/files$ ls
          don@ubuntu:~/.local/share/Trash/files$ rm blah.txt
          don@ubuntu:~/.local/share/Trash/files$ ls

