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Skype setup?

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    Did find this:
    which indicates the Logitech HD Webcam C525 should work out of the box for
    I have (from repository) Skype Not sure what to make of that. Hopefully, the newer Skype didn't break it! Some of you have indicated that the Logitech UVC cameras should "just work."
    Lots of talk about PulseAudio, pro and con. The PA website seems to indicate that current versions should have no problem with current Skype versions.
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      I do not think uninstalling the pulse-utils would cause any harm. You can try it and if it does not work, then you can re-install again. After you uninstall pulse-utils, you need to go to Skype options>sound devices and select your Microphne. As I mentioned earlier this is what I followed and it is working well for me. I do have Logitec webcam with built-in Mic too.
      Hope this will help!


        marco07, thanks. I did not forget about your suggestion. Some people, as you know, remove PulseAudio completely (and some of those people have issues and some do not have issues afterwards). I have been trying to solve this first by not messing with removing any of PulseAudio.

        However ... strangely, my Skype test now does work.
        And it works even when I do NOT have PulseAudio Volume Control panel open while using Skype.

        My microphone is built into the USB Webcam. Maybe that is the issue when reading various how-to's (as opposed to the mic being plugged into the mic jack on back or some other Line-in or some front mic setup).

        I'm not real sure why it now works. Maybe tomorrow will be different.

        - - - - -
        For now, I'll drop these comments:

        Arch Wiki
        I turned it up all the way. (Press the spacebar to see R & L.)
        I have a feeling this was important in making things work.

        See dmeyer's Post #3 and #10 above.
        These two posts summarize what you need to check.
        Problem is (or might be) how to interpret the settings in the menus.

        And this:

        Install the PulseAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol) from Muon.
        You may find it under K > Applications > Multimedia > Volume Control
        Then the tab Input Devices.
        Issue: the icon clicks are toggles--you might not immediately see what you have toggled on and what you have toggled off.
        To the far right of each input device, there are 3 icons, the rightmost being a green check mark, Set as Fallback.
        I'm not sure what that means.
        I'm not sure when it is On or not On.
        I'm assuming it is on when you get a boarder around the check mark (after clicking/toggling it).
        In any case, I turned Fallback on for my Webcam listing (under Input Devices).
        (And, of course, you need to check that nothing you need is muted.)
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          I've had to remove PulseAudio in the Lucid to get sound to work in Skype, and some other applications whose names I can't recall right now. But with Precise (and this Acer) Skype works just fine, as long as I have the PulseAudio Volume control opened when I make a call. I'll get a momentary feedback whistle at the start of a call but then the AGC takes over and the sound works well.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            GG: "But with Precise (and this Acer) Skype works just fine, as long as I have the PulseAudio Volume control opened when I make a call."

            Many thanks for that info. Mine now seems to work; and for some reason, it works without PA VC open although earlier today, it was necessary to have it open. I've only just tested this using the Skype Test Call and will need to test it with a "real" call (am waiting for two friends to get with the show and open their Skype tonight).
            Thanks, GG.
            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


              Skype works now, with sound, video, and chat, around the world for us tonight.

              So as not to just drop this, I feel I should say something useful in summary ...

              I believe that Skype 4, with 12.04, and with a UVC-Linux listed webcam, will pretty much "just work."

              Cheese (to test your mic and video)
              PulseAudio Volume Control, pavucontrol

              Make sure your webcam is UVC-Linux listed (see links above).

              However, you MAY have to play with a few standard controls and tweaks to coax it to go. Then again, maybe you will simply plug and Skype if you are lucky.

              It is my feeling that you should only have to play with these:

              Sound control panels, user settings, configuring your sound, mic, webcam:
              -- The volume icon in Tray. Mixer. Settings. Audio setup. => Phonon KDE control panel.
              -- Install PulseAudio Volume Control, pavucontrol.
              K > Applications > Multimedia > Sound (PuleAudio Volume Control)
              (Along with the Skype Options menu)
              But ... note my comment in #18 about the alsamixer. (I didn't yet test whether that was necessary.)

              There is the issue that GG raised in #19 above and that I also ran into: To run Cheese or Skype, you MAY have to open Pulse Audio Volume Control and leave it open.

              I had to ... for a few times, but only for a few times. Now, I can run Cheese or Skype without opening Pulse Audio Volume Control.

              I will add this: At first, I'd open Pulse Audio Volume Control along with Cheese or with Skype. While recording video with sound, I would open all the tabs in Pulse Audio Volume Control, mainly these: Playback, Output, and input Devices. In some setups, some users report opening Playback tab and seeing a drop-down menu (while Skype is running) that lists their webcam and other choices, and they could mark their webcam. I didn't see any such option; but I did see there in the panel that Skype was using my webcam. Nonetheless, I 'feel' that somehow Skype and Cheese "learned" what they needed to run without having open Pulse Audio Volume Control. Just a little craziness there on my end, perhaps.

              So, in my system setup, Skype is done.

              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                Jeez, holy cow, I can't see how to mark it solved! ...
                An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                  Click on Thread Tools > Mark this thread as solved...
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Ah, it's automatic then! Got it. Thanks.
                    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

