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Plasma Desktop Crashes with Segmentation Fault

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    Plasma Desktop Crashes with Segmentation Fault


    I've been very impressed with Kubuntu 12.04 so far, I even use the backports PPA. I have had this irritating issue where plasma desktop shell crashes with alarming frequency. Everytime it crashes it moves some of my plasmoids around. Maybe once every few hours. It triggers in two distinct ways:

    1 - When I logout or shutdown it crashes. Almost always. 90% + frequency

    2 - The bar at the bottom disappears and the message comes up. It happens randomly and when I use a host of applications. Once maybe every three to four hours.

    I've looked at a ton of related threads but none really have a solution. I've tried creating a new user but I still get the crashes. I've tried to narrow it to a plasmoid but that hasn't worked either.

    I sure would appreciate any advice people can give.

    My system is a Dell XPS 17, i7-2630QM, Intel HD3000 graphics (have bumblebee), a Corsair SSD, 8GB ram. KDE 4.9

    I had similar symptoms early in my use of Kubuntu 11.10, but in my case a new test user did not show the same problems. For me, deleting (actually renaming for backup) the ~/.kde folder stopped the problems and they have not recurred - but I have very few plasmoids on my desktop now.

    Which plasmoids do you use, apart from the default panel?
    I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


      Managed to finally track the issue down. The first crash is caused when I have chrome or firefox open when I logout (might be flash related but not certain.) No resolution yet.

      The second issue is caused by Menubar i.e. the OSX menu in a panel thing. I purged this and reinstalled it. A lot less crashy now.

      Overall I'm still getting way too many crashes to be satisfied with the experience but compared to my Win7 experience I felt it was adequate. I've been holding out jumping ship to OpenSuse for a while now but I think I'm inevitably going there with OS 12.2. It might not be very bleeding edge or have as many packages but its just such a polished KDE distro and its rock solid stable. Kubuntu was my first distro and will always have a special place for me, maybe I'll be back for 12.10.


        Originally posted by dmeyer View Post
        The second issue is caused by Menubar i.e. the OSX menu in a panel thing. I purged this and reinstalled it. A lot less crashy now.
        I have the same problem as you. I added the "Window Menubar" widget (which can be installed with "$sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-menubar") a few days ago. Since then, my plasma-desktop began to crash constantly. It is very annoying because the task manager stays shorter and shorter. So, I removed that widget and the things got normal again.

