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Trying to Understand and Figure out Course of Action 11.04 vs 12.04

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    Trying to Understand and Figure out Course of Action 11.04 vs 12.04

    I Installed 12.04 on my families computers. They freaked out when I told them they had to use Chromium and demanded me to install the older version of Kubuntu so they could use Firefox.

    I personally would rather keep them on the LTS release. So I am trying to figure out how to get them back on Firefox on the LTS in the same way they were using Kubuntu 11.04.

    One of their machines still has 11.04 and is running the latest Firefox with integration so they are ok for now. Is there someway I can get those packages installed into 12.04. They are old people and the fact they are on a computer let alone using Linux and liking it is impressive. But they have been clicking fox icons so they can go on the "Internets" for the past decade and telling them to use the blue robot sphere icon that doesn't let them open downloads directly is too much for them to handle

    If not, I was reading there is some way so I can manually tell Firefox how to use KIO/mimes properly but I got confused and am not sure what to do.

    Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

    Why don't you just?: sudo apt-get install firefox
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Firefox is installed but as previously discussed there is no integration into KDE. So navigating and opening files becomes an impossible task for my non computer savy family.

      I have read that people were able to manually setup the KIO/Mime type association to proper KDE aps and file browsing. However the forum threads were very all over the place and I have become confused. Which I hope to clarify so I can set that up for them. Ideally I would love to find a way to pull the 11.04/11.10 integration packages to make it work but I doubt that will happen.


        TBH, I'm not entirely clear on exactly what it is that can't be done with Firefox in Kubuntu 12.04 that could be done in 11.10. Sure, no KDE-native file picker, no KIO support, and it isn't aware of KDE's configured MIME types. There is a perfectly functional file picker (just not KDE's one), and MIME types can be configured within Firefox itself. For example, (having taken the ~1 minute to set it up) I clicked a magnet link for a Linux .ISO file, and Firefox handed that off to Ktorrent without any drama whatsoever.

        I'm not trying to be argumentative here, I just literally haven't encountered any issues so far using Firefox in Kubuntu 12.04. What problems should I have seen?
        "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
        -- Douglas Adams


          Would agree with the OP, broken firefox implementation in Kubuntu is a major bummer. You can't even open the "downloads" folder as It doesn't even know how to open dolphin. Life is way too short to screw around assignming mime types. This should be done out of the box, period.

          Luckilly there is the fixed firefox PPA that sumski has built (Thank you for this!) Which seems to work perfectly for me.

          Wish this would get back into the official channels, otherwise firefox is mostly unusuable on Kubuntu.


            I'm a long time Kubuntu and Firefox user and hardly noticed the lack of 'KDE integration' in 12.04.
            As a matter of fact it is now much faster to save a file from Firefox.

            But sumski, one of the regulars here, has compiled the KDE integration package and made it available through a PPA:



              I quickly skimmed through the forum thread and was wondering what the end result steps required to set this up? It sounded like it was using its own Firefox or something.


                Hi wrender, you just need to run these commands:
                sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hrvojes/firefox-kde
                sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox firefox-kde-support


                  That is absolutely fantastic! I tested it out on my laptop and forgot how sweet firefox is. This made my day. Thank you so much!

                  ps. Most of my family computers are 64 bit but my Fathers is 32bit. Will this cause any problems? I read someone mentioning it...

