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When will Libreoffice 3.5.4 be Available?

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    When will Libreoffice 3.5.4 be Available?

    Version 3.5.4 of Libreoffice was released on 2012-05-30, ie over two weeks ago. I would appreciate knowing when this will be ported to Kubuntu 12.04.

    I have been experiencing problems with mp4 files and AVI being played using the Libreoffice Impress Console Presenter. When playing a movie, the audio has a background crackle. This is not present when I disconnect my auxiliary monitor and use a single screen or when I play the media in the edit mode. I do not know if this problem has been fixed in the 3.5.4 release but at least it is my last resort as I have to do a presentation on the 8th July.

    Last time I used Libreoffice I received complaints about the sound quality as I had to play media on that occastion as well. Such experiences do not giving Kubuntu a good name in the Microsoft dominated environment that I have to deal with. Fortunately I can connect my Laptop into the projection system and not have to use MS Windows.

    For the above reasons I would greatly appreciate knowing when Libreoffice 3.5.4 will be available.

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      Thanks very much. I am currently downloading a truckload of updates as I just realised that KDE 4.8.4 was also now released. There must be quite a few working to get all these updates done. Well done to all. I just hope that all this solves my problems with Libreoffice.

