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Prevent automount for one user

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    Prevent automount for one user

    I have a USB external Hard drive ("my book western digital"). Every time I login to my pc, this drive is listed in my available 'removable devices'.
    Recently I created a new account for a friend who will share my pc. I just don't want him to access the content of my external hard drive.
    I already unchecked all options in "system settings --> removable devices --> enable automatic mounting...." (in my friend's account).
    Also, I removed the "access storage devices" (I think that's the name...) option in the user's profile (user managment).
    However, the disk is still automatically being mounted and listed in the Dolphin disks. I don't mind if the disk is listed, but at least I want it to ASK for root password! (currently it doesn't). My friend doesn't know the sudo password.
    And of course I don't want to alter the behavior in my account, only in my friend's...
    Thanks in advance.
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