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Running Amarok and Rakarrack at the same time

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    Running Amarok and Rakarrack at the same time

    I want to play guitar in Rakarrack with original song played in Amarok, so that I could find the keys/tones/melodies/whatever. The problem is, if I run Amarok after Rakarrack, then Amarok wouldn't play. It would stay pause even though I've pressed the play button a couple of times. It would automatically resume when Rakarrack is closed. Otherwise, if I run Rakarrack after Amarok then the jack would crash and Rakarrack can't start at all. I've googled and found some results regarding jack and phonon backends and I've tried using different backends (besides the default gstreamer, looks like only vlc is available in muon) but none are working. With vlc backend, in the first case the progress bar keeps going but no sound comes out. Same result, when Rakarrack is closed, the sound then comes out. The second case remains the same.