To get the live CD to boot all the way, I had to go into options and select "nomodeset." Unfortunately that did not translate over into the actual *install* so when my laptop rebooted, it was screwed up. I'm working on the 4th try of installing Precise Pangolin, and I've at least got to the point where it will boot to a desktop, but that's as far as it goes. I have to switch to a virtual terminal window and work there.
Might I suggest that someone take a look at the installer and add some intelligence to it, such that if someone boots the live CD with the "nomodeset" flag, that would be carried over into the grub config for the install I mean, what're the odds that you WON'T need to boot "nomodeset" once you've installed?
Signed -- frustrated user!
Might I suggest that someone take a look at the installer and add some intelligence to it, such that if someone boots the live CD with the "nomodeset" flag, that would be carried over into the grub config for the install I mean, what're the odds that you WON'T need to boot "nomodeset" once you've installed?
Signed -- frustrated user!