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getting ready to install and need advice/help setting up LVM

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    getting ready to install and need advice/help setting up LVM

    without making this a complaint session, for two reasons I moved away from regular Ubuntu, first I can't stand Unity, and second, Fedora has the required LVM tools I needed.
    now, after 6 months of Fedora, I'm finding it way too unreliable to count on, so I've started to look at *buntu variants. in the past I've favoured Ubuntu mainly because I favoured Gnome 2. nothing wrong with KDE just used to the way Gnome did things. the problem I'm having is that the Alternate install cd doesn't seem to allow adding multiple physical volumes to the encrypted LVM during install like Fedora does. this is a huge bummer and doesn't make sense, it shouldn't be too hard to add to the alt. cd but every release I hope for it but it's not there.

    here's what I want to achieve. I want to install Kubuntu 12.04 with the alternate cd. I want to use the LVM tools to set up my system with one large logical volume. if possible I would like to use the encryption option. in this application I need a computer that has several user accounts and plenty of space. I need the accounts to be able to expand to whatever size needed, some large and some small. I don't want any of the user accounts to have access to other users files or settings. the set-up needs to be easy to use.
    here's what I have. I have a computer with an AMD Phenom 6 core processor, 16gb of ram, and 4x2tb Hdds.
    I am currently running Fedora 14 with LVM so it looks like I have one 8tb partition. (sorry if I'm not using the correct terminology) currently I have several user accounts and due to the 8tb encrypted Logical volume everything is on one volume and encrypted so there is no way for users to access another account's files or settings. I boot the system and input the lvm password, and from there users can log in and out without any compromise to the overall system. so far, other than the unreliability of the Fedora, install everything is exactly like I would like it to be. before this system, I had a more regular machine with Ubuntu 10.04 that was rock solid, so I want to move back to a Ubuntu flavour without going to Unity. after playing with Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu and Mint, I am pretty settled that Kubuntu has what I'm looking for. an added benefit is that I've chosen a time which coincides with the release of Kubuntu 12.04LTS with support for 5 years, by which time this system will look like an antique!

    all the sites and articles I have been able to find are like reading a book with the first 150 pages missing. is there anyone here who is willing to help walk me through what I need to do to get where I want to be?
    if someone would do this, this could be a thread that would be super helpful to any and all non-technical Linux users who want to set up a modern system.

    this may not be too helpful, but this is what I would like the new system to basically look like.