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Serious video problem post 12.04 Updates

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    Originally posted by lmettler View Post
    I must admit to being a bit confused about updating Kubuntu 12.04.

    This problem originally developed because I used the Muon Package Manager to conduct the updates. And you can read all the posts in this thread to follow out that problem.

    However, I discovered that if I use the Muon Update Manager instead, the update process completes without error AND most interestingly without any problems being associated with the NVidia drivers. Or, so it seems.

    And strangely to me, once I run the Muon Update Manager, the Muon Package Manager also reports that nothing needs to be updated.

    So, what if the difference between these two utilities? And why does one turn my system into a brick yet the other brings everything up to snuff?

    I could mark this whole thread as fixed. But, I have no idea why. Why the two utilities? Why does it matter which one is run first (or at all)? And why does the Muon Package Manager turn my system into a brick? But, if the Muon Update Manager is run first, everything is fine and up to date plus the Muon Package Manager is not required at all? Nothing left to update.

    And, most interestingly, why has not anyone ask me just which utility I ran to brick my system? Maybe I am not the only one confused here?
    Somebody correct me if I am wrong, but I could swear I read somewhere Muon and Synaptic keep different installed package lists, after all, Muon is the default updater/manager. I find the notifications and Muon updater more simple to use, Synaptic needs a refresh, etc, Muon, you punch in your pw and you are off to the (update) races. I pretty much only use Synaptic for a detailed search, change/add repositories, etc. OK, now you have me confusing myself, lol, I search and install with Synaptic, update with Muon. As for updates affecting driver(s), this has never happened to me, do you have something really exotic installed? An 'alien' package? I have 3 'alien' packages installed and 2 tiny Win-DOHs progs in Wine, still don't have problems. I am stumped too.


      How I Manage Packages and Upgrade Software

      Just goes to show that we all take different approaches. With previous Kubuntu releases I used Synaptic for package management because I had troubles Muon Package Manager. I now only use Muon Package Manager for the installation of packages and for configuring "Software Sources" via "Settings".

      To update my system I use Konsole and enter the commands:
      :~$ sudo apt-get update
      :~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
      I do this because it gives all the details related to the update and any errors or potential disasters. For example, I have found that if I do this as the repositories are being modified, I can get the upgrade listing great slabs of software to be removed. I then don't do the upgrade and wait several hours before trying again.


        Muon will give you a detailed list of changes before you have to hit the 'Apply Changes' button.
        After completing a 'Check for Updates' there are two ways of accessing it,
        1st. by pressing the 'Full Upgrade' button at the top.
        2nd. by selecting the 'By Status' tab on the left.
        Last edited by Teunis; Jul 10, 2012, 02:09 PM.

